Two-day job shadowing under STEPin project in Sarajevo
The participants on the first day of job shadowing had the opportunity to visit the Women’s National Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina in sitting volleyball led by coach Mr. Muamer Čerimić. Participants had the opportunity [...]
Thirteenth issue of the Newsletter Enhancing Cooperation online
The thirteenth issue of the Newsletter Enhancing Cooperation of the Joint Technical Secretariat for IPA II CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo* 2014-2020. This issue will bring you: Projects financed under the [...]
ADRION Programme – Fifth Extraordinary Call for Proposals
Background Information The ADRION Programme opens a new call targeting Universities and research centres, as well as business institutions. The overall goal of this 5th Extraordinary Call for Proposals is to raise competences and skills in domains considered of strategic relevance for [...]
Training and exercises on protection and rescue in case of fire held
With the support of the European Union within the project Disasters do not know borders 2, a cross-border demonstration exercise on fire protection and rescue was held in Podgorica on June 3, 2022, in which [...]
B-solutions 2.0 Call for proposals
The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) has launched the B-solutions 2.0 Call for proposals. B-solutions 2.0 addresses border regions along EU internal land and maritime borders and along EU borders with EFTA and IPA countries. [...]
Eight Regional CBC Consultative Forum
Under the auspices of the European Commission, the 8th Regional CBC Consultative Forum took place on 30 May 2022. This online event was organised by DG NEAR, with the support of CBIB+3. The main [...]
Synergy is better than my way or your way, it is OUR way
Of all EU macro-regional strategies, EUSAIR is the only one that includes more non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, San Marino and Serbia) than EU member states (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia). Since [...]
Imagine. Innovate. Create: RCC launches Western Balkans Butterfly Innovation Award
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is launching a Regional Butterfly Innovation Award seeking innovative, scalable and market-based solutions from the Western Balkans. The Butterfly Innovation Award fund is set at 30,000 EUR, where [...]
Another EUR 1.9 million for improved cooperation between Serbia and North Macedonia
Project proposals for the second cycle of the Serbia–North Macedonia Cross-border Cooperation Programme, which provides for almost EUR 1.9 million for the promotion of employment, workers’ mobility, social and cultural inclusion, as well as the [...]
3.4 Million EUR available for the CBC projects under Serbia – Montenegro programme
On Monday, 21 March 2022, the Conference on the opening of the Third Call for Proposals for the Serbia-Montenegro Cross-Border Cooperation Programme was organised at the Regional Development Innovation Startup Center in Priboj. The event [...]
3.20 million EUR for the cross-border projects between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kick-off Conference on the occasion of the launching of the Third Call for Proposals within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina took place took place on Friday, 18 March 2022 in the [...]
Regional workshop on capitalisation – IPA CBC environment projects
The regional workshop on capitalization - IPA CBC tourism projects took place on 2 March 2022 and gathered around 40 representatives from Western Balkans. The draft report 'Capitalisation – IPA CBC Environment Projects: Clustering, Assessment, [...]