Fourteenth issue of the Newsletter Enhancing Cooperation online
The fourteenth issue of the Newsletter Enhancing Cooperation of the Joint Technical Secretariat for IPA II CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo* 2014-2020 is available online. In this issue we inform you [...]
Promotion of new youth employment project in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
About 500 young people between the ages of 18 and 35, who are long-term unemployed, will have the opportunity to participate in training for acquiring new skills and professional orientation. The “Your Job” project, funded [...]
Strengthening the capacity of rescue services in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro with the support of the EU
During the next two years, the rescue services from Sarajevo and Danilovgrad will receive support for the development of their capacities in order to respond to natural disasters as efficiently and quickly as possible. Bearing [...]
Register now for ‘IPA at 15: how far have we come, where will we go?’
The Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) was born in 2007 as a brand new instrument combining several other external funds. In 2022 we will mark an important birthday - 15 years of successful EU support for [...]
Register now for ‘IPA cooperation projects unlocking the regional integration potential of the Western Balkans’
In peripheral and central areas of WB countries, cooperation programmes are deeply incorporated in the life of local communities: enhancing economic development, reinforcing relations between the local population and the EU, and re-establishing and strengthening [...]
The third training under BWL project held
On 16 August this year, the regional center for waste management hosted the third training within the project “Establishing the system of sustainable bulky waste management, on the territories of the cities of Uzice and [...]
GIS maps were created within the project “Zero Waste Municipalities”
After the implementation of a series of activities within the project “Zero Waste Municipalities”, the mapping of wild landfills in 6 municipalities was successfully carried out and a GIS system for monitoring their locations was [...]
The final conference of the ‘STEPin’ project organised
On 28.07.2022. in the premises of the Cultural Center in Ruma, the STEPin Final Conference was held. The welcoming speech was made by the President of the Municipality of Ruma, Mr. Stevan Kovačević. The first [...]
The “STEPin” employment fair
The STEPin employment fair was held in Sarajevo on July 22, 2022. The following associations presented their activities: TMP Society for the Employment of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons d.o.o. Sarajevo, ATHLETA – Novi Grad [...]
Vacancy for a financial officer in the Joint Technical Secretariat in Sarajevo
The Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the Operating Structure for the implementation of the IPA Program for cross-border cooperation Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, invites all interested candidates to apply [...]
Vacancy for a project officer in the Antenna office in Nikšić
Ministry of European Affairs (MEA) of Montenegro, as the Operating Structure of the IPA Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro 2014-2020, in cooperation with the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, invites [...]
Kosovo* – North Macedonia programme – Fifth call for proposals launched
Call for proposals title: Cross-border programme Kosovo – North Macedonia under IPA II 2019 and 2020 Publication reference: EuropeAid/175008/DD/ACT/XK The European Union Office in Kosovo is seeking proposals to foster co-operation among institutions and organization [...]