The European Union supported capacity building to Improve Water Supply Services in the Cross-border area of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
The advantages of using the information obtained in the process of comparison, the so-called benchmarking, have been confirmed many times, especially in the context of increasing the efficiency of business entities. Water supply is one [...]
Project Cycle Management sessions held in Kukës and Prizren
On 25 May in Kukës and 26 May in Prizren, Project Cycle Management (PCM) training sessions was delivered by the Joint Technical Secretariat of the IPA CBC Programme Albania-Kosovo* to the potential applicants of the [...]
Information sessions under Montenegro-Kosovo* programme held
After the publication of the 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020, the online Information session, aiming to present the rules of 3rd Call for Proposals was organized on 25 May 2021. [...]
Study visit within the We can project organised
Within the project “Reducing the impact of local communities in the cross-border region of Serbia and Montenegro on climate challenges – WE CAN”, a study visit to examples of good practice was realized. During the [...]
Nature protection is an integral part of sustainable tourism
Within the project “Cross-border network of natural heritage – CBC Nature NET”, two workshops were held on 27 May 2021 at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, in the Faculty Arboretum. The arboretum is [...]
EU Ambassador to Montenegro visited municipality of Pljevlja and „We can“ project beneficiaries
On 20 May 2021, the Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Mrs Oana-Cristina Popa, made her first official visit to the municipalities of Pljevlja and Žabljak. During the visit, the Ambassador said [...]
The future of our planet is in our hands, we can save it
The project ” Reducing impact of local communities of the cross border region Serbia-Montenegro to ClimAte chaNges – WE CAN ” defines regional cross-border priorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to improve regional [...]
The Third Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo* Programme published
The 3rd Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo Programme is launch today on 18 May 2021, and will be open until 14 July 2021. The Call has a total budget of EUR 1,600,000.00 (EU contribution) equally divided in [...]
The 3rd Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Montenegro-Kosovo* programme launched
The Government of Montenegro – European Integration Office and the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Assistance in the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government Administration [...]
Meet the celebrity bear from Montenegro
The brown bear’s precious habitat extends across Montenegro and BiH. By working in a cross-border project, scientists have gained new insights into these iconic creatures. Borko is only five years old, but he is already [...]
Thanks to the EU support, 30 solar systems allocated to rural households in katun settlements
The European Union financed the allocation of 30 solar systems to households from Katun settlements through the project “Katun Roads of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The agreement on the use of solar systems was [...]
The second online workshop on project cycle management held
The second Workshop “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020” was held on 28 April 2021. Workshop was conduct with aim to prepare workshop participants for preparing project proposals [...]