Training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants
The training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants for the grant beneficiaries of the Greece - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia programme was held on 26 and 27 October 2015 in Bitola. The [...]
Workshops on service contract: preparation and implementation
During September and October, six (6) workshops on service contracts have been conducted: 20 October 2015, Pristina 12 - 13 October 2015, Belgrade 6 – 7 October 2015, Sarajevo 15 – 16 September 2015, Skopje [...]
Training on Evaluation of Calls for Proposals
The training on evaluation of calls for proposals according to PRAG 2014 – fundamental principles and administrative procedures applicable was organised in the premises of the European Integration Office of the Republic of Serbia on [...]
Training on practical management of CBC projects
The training on practical management of CBC projects for the beneficiaries of the Greece - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia programme was organised on 24 and 25 September 2015 in Skopje by the CBIB+ [...]
Training on practical management of CBC projects
The training on practical management of CBC projects for the beneficiaries of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Kosovo* programme was organised on 22 and 23 September 2015 in Skopje by the CBIB+ project [...]
Third Regional CBC Consultative Forum
Under the auspices of the European Union, the 3rd Regional CBC Consultative Forum took place in Hotel AS Harmonia, Durres, Albania, on 25 and 26 June 2015. This event represented a follow-up of the Forum [...]
Training role of the JTS in implementation of the CBC programme – highlights
This training event for the JTSs/Antennae staff of the cross-border programmes Montenegro – Kosovo* and Albania – Kosovo was organised on 3 and 4 June 2015 in Podgorica. The session was mainly focused on monitoring [...]
On-the-job training on budget clearing and organisation of capacity building events for grant beneficiaries
On-the-job training for JTS/Antenna staff of the CBC programme Montenegro – Kosovo* was mainly focused on the budget clearing process and topics related to the organisation of capacity building events for the grant beneficiaries (i.e. [...]
Training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants
The training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants for the grant beneficiaries of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Kosovo* IPA I CBC programme held on 25 and 26 February 2015 in Skopje. The training [...]
Training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants
The training on procurement procedures under the CBC grants for the grant beneficiaries of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania IPA I CBC programme was held on 23 and 24 February 2015 in [...]
Training on reporting requirements for grant beneficiaries
The training session on the reporting requirements for the grant beneficiaries of the IPA CBC programme the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Albania contracted under the 3rd Call for Proposals has been organised on [...]
Training on effective communication and presentation skills
The two-day training session on effective communication and presentation skills for the representatives of the national authorities and joint technical secretariat and antennae of IPA I CBC programmes was organised on 30 and 31 October [...]