Training on reporting under the CBC grants
One more training event related to the management of the EU-funded CBC grant contracts was organised in Plav, Montengro on 24-25 August, 2016 for the grant beneficiaries of the 1st Call for Proposals under the cross-border [...]
Public consultation Workshop
In the course of the programming process, partner countries, the Republic of Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have nominated the members of the Task Force working group for programming. The Task Force [...]
The EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-Border Institution Building (CBIB+) Phase II’ has launched a contest to award three prizes for research papers in relation to the cross-border cooperation programmes between beneficiary countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, [...]
Public Consultation Workshop
In the course of the programming process, partner countries, the Republic of Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have nominated the members of the Task Force working group for programming. The Task Force [...]
Workshop on service contract management – Preparation of interim report
The workshop on service contract management was focused on specific issues related to the preparation of the interim report for the TA service contract under the programme Kosovo*- the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This [...]
Second Joint Task Force meeting
In the course of the programming process, partner countries, the Republic of Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have nominated the members of the Task Force working group for development of the new [...]
Training session on project cycle management
In the framework of the preparatory activities for launching the first Call for Proposals under the IPA cross-border cooperation programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020, the Joint Technical Secretariat, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of [...]
Publication Forecast for EU-funded prize for cross-border cooperation research papers
The EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-Border Institution Building (CBIB+) Phase II’ will publish a contest to award three prizes for research papers in relation to the cross-border cooperation programmes between beneficiary countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the [...]
Info day/Partner Search Forum
In the framework of the preparatory activities for launching the first Call for Proposals under the IPA cross-border cooperation programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020, the Joint Technical Secretariat, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of [...]
Training session on Project Cycle Management
In the framework of the preparatory activities for launching the first Call for Proposals under the IPA cross-border cooperation programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020, the Joint Technical Secretariat, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of [...]
Info day/Partner Search Forum
In the framework of the preparatory activities for launching the first Call for Proposals under the IPA cross-border cooperation programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020, the Joint Technical Secretariat, in cooperation with the Operating Structures of [...]
Training on implementation and procurement under CBC grants
The training for the implementation and procurement of the CBC grant contracts for the Grant Beneficiaries under IPA cross-border cooperation programme Montenegro-Kosovo* 2011-2013, was organised from 9-11 March 2016 in Kolasin, by the Joint Technical [...]