Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Montenegro
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Improving capacities for exploiting tourism potentials of the programme area
Project start date 01.03.2021
Project end date 22.12.2023
Project total budget EUR 351.279,99
Project EU funding EUR298.409,99
Description Overall objective: To contribute to improvement of the quality and diversification of the tourism offer building on natural and cultural heritage at bordering rural areas of Serbia and Montenegro
Specific objective: To develop a know-how model for preserving, valorising, interpreting and integrating heritage sites along nature trails into comprehensive natural and cultural tourism offer, and to jointly promote them.

Project activities:
A1. Project management, monitoring and evaluation (R1-4)
A2. Mapping, identification and interpretation of joint tourism offer
• 2.1 Detailed assessment and analysis of tourism assets in project target area /mapping
• 2.2. Development of joint tourism itineraries
• 2.3. Joint tourism itineraries/thematic routes interpretation and valorisation
A3. Installation of light visitor infrastructure and small-scale works
• 3.1. Development of twinning thematic routes in Serbia B and MNE
• 3.2. Small scale interventions along nature trails which connects sites of interests and thematic routes
A4. Educational activities and workshops
• 4.1. Training for guides interpreting natural/cultural heritage sites
• 4.2. Training in sustainable management of cultural/natural heritage
A5. Joint media campaign and visibility actions (R1-4)

Expected results 1. Cross-border tourist cluster formed with the aim to create a recognizable thematic tourist offer “CREATIVE TWINNING” which connect 4 key heritage sites in Serbia to 4 twining sites in Montenegro;
2. Light visitor and access infrastructure arranged to support the development of key products (sign posting and heritage interpretation routes for tourism purposes);
3. Built capacity of target groups regarding development and management of identified heritage assets and its potential to spill off and improve economic and social environment of cross-border area
4. Joint marketing campaign implemented
Expected outputs  N/A
Lead partner Institution name:Regional Agency for Spatial and Economic Development of Raški and Moravički Districts
Country: Serbia
Address:Kraljevo ,Cara Dušana 77
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name:CSTI – Center for Sustainable Tourism Initatives
Address:Podgorica , Piperska
Legal status: Private