Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Enhancing the employability of the labour force, and increasing the employment opportunities
Project start date 02.03.2021
Project end date 09.11.2022
Project total budget EUR 252466.07
Project EU funding EUR 214596.16


Description Overall objective: To create an environment for better employment prospects for young people while providing new nutrition programs for developing youth and vulnerable groups.
Specific objectives: Development of new programs of healthy food without allergens through connecting stakeholders and Increasing competitiveness in the labour market through the development of new professional skills in young cookers in the preparation of new allergen-free healthy nutrition programs
Project activities:
1.1.1 Establishment of new school kitchens for the needs of new product development and youth training
1.2.1 Development of new gastronomic programs to improve youth employment
1.3.1 Development and establishment of web market portals for cross-border cooperation
1.4.1 Organization of the humanitarian event “Gastronomic Day” with the promotion of new gastronomic products and cross-border cooperation
1.5.1 Organization of a cross-border visit between the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.6.1 Development and distribution of visibility and promotional materials
1.7.1 Organization of promotional activities for product placement through web marketing and field marketing
2.1.1 Organizational training for young, future chefs to prepare new gastronomic product programs
2.2.1 Organization of training of 20 teachers to develop knowledge and skills who will work with young people
2.3.1 Organization of training workshops for parents and young people
2.4.1 Analysis of the nutritional needs of young people and market analysis for the development of a new gastronomic product
2.5.1 Development and distribution of educational material for young future chefs
Expected results Result 1.1. 2 Scholl kitchens equipped and opened
Result 1.2. 2 Gastronomic products for market participation prepared
Result 1.3. Web market portal established
Result 1.4 Gastronomic day organized
Result 1.5 Cross-border visits held
Result 1.6 Visibility materials
Result 1.7 Project results promoted to stakeholders
Result 2.1. 80 young people, chef’s educational profile at school, trained to prepare new gastronomic program
Result 2.2 20 teachers educated and skilled for work with students (young, future chefs)
Result 2.3 100 parents and 200 young people expanded knowledge and skills
Result 2.4 Analysis of the nutritional needs of young people and market analysis for the development of a new gastronomic product conducted
Result 2.5 Educational materials developed, designed, printed and distributed to relevant target group
Expected outputs • 1 Web market portal developed with 200 registered members
• 2 gastronomic products developed and commercialized
• 2 vocational schools equipped and increased competences/capacities
• 80 young people with increased employability and employment competences
• 2 new social enterprises established
Lead partner Institution name:Secondary Vocational School Branko Radicevic Ruma
Country : Serbia
Address: Partizanska bb ,Ruma
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name:Secondary School Petar Kočić Zvornik
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Vuka Karadžića 77 ,Zvornik
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: Association Limitless
Address: Svetozara Ćorovića 16/32 , Beograd
Legal status: Public