Eco camp on Golija – Learning through nature
From 4 to 9 September 2024, an Eco Camp was organized on Golija in the Municipality of Ivanjica (SRB) for elementary school students from Ivanjica and Gusinje as part of the project ” Clean community [...]
Gorčević: We will continue to support projects at the local level
9 September 2024, Bijelo Polje – The Ministry of European Affairs will continue to support projects at the local level, especially through cross-border cooperation and further infrastructure development. We need greater visibility of European projects [...]
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Marked in Inđija with Support from the HEAL Project
On the occasion of 15 June – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – the Red Cross of Vojvodina organized a lecture by the President of the Gerontology Society of Serbia, Nataša Todorović, at the National [...]
“Elevator Pitch” Conference in Sremska Mitrovica: Showcasing the Best Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas
The “Elevator Pitch” conference, showcasing the best entrepreneurial ideas of young people, was held on 21.06. in the hall of Hotel Srem in Sremska Mitrovica. The competition featured 50 young participants from the Srem region [...]
Regional JTS event
An online event gathering staff of all the joint technical secretariats (JTSs) in the WB region dealing with IPA III CBC programmes was organised on 14 June 2024. The meeting was called in order to [...]
Exploring synergies among Interreg IPA and IPA-IPA CBC
Interact and CBIB+4 (the EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-border Institution Building – CBIB+ Phase IV), organised on 23 May 2024 a joint online workshop that gathered 41 participants representing joint secretariats/joint technical secretariats, national authorities/NIPAC offices, [...]
Joint touristic products from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina expected by the end of 2024
Women from Loznica, Sremska Mitrovica, Inđija, Ruma, and Šid, organized by NALED and the Ethno Network, have visited Tuzla and Sarajevo to get acquainted with the local craftsmanship characteristic of this region. The two-day study [...]
Enhancing capacities of public utility companies and local governments of Gusinje and Ivanjica supported by EU
In the period from 6 to 8 December 2023, a study visit was held by representatives of the Municipality of Ivanjica and the Public Utility Company Ivanjica to the Municipality of Gusinje as part of [...]
Online event about Interreg Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Interreg Europe programme representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold an online information event about the opportunities offered by Interreg Europe to their beneficiaries. The event takes place online on 16 January from 10:00 to [...]
Strengthening capacity of the protection and rescue services through joint training of the cross-border team
More than 30 members of the Cross-border Protection and Rescue team and other members of the emergency services passed 5 two-day training sessions in the period from June to November 2023. Training sessions were [...]
Job announcement – Communication and Visibility Officer for the JTS of MK-AL programme
IPA CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA – REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA 2014-2020 Ministry of Local Self-Government is publishing: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - For submission of the candidates for vacant working positions: 1 (one) position as Communication [...]
Conference “Challenges and Opportunities for Improving the Position of Informal Caregivers” held in Tuzla
Center for Social Innovation in Tuzla, in collaboration with partner organizations Centre for support and inclusion HELP NET from Belgrade and Caritas Šabac, recently conducted the introductory conference for the project “Improving the competencies of [...]