Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Increasing the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of the programme area
Project start date 01.04.2023
Project end date 31.03.2025
Project total budget EUR 209847,46
Project EU funding EUR 178370,68
Description Overall objective: Increasing the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of the programme area Specific objectives: 1. Innovative and sustainable employment and business opportunities in eco-tourism for people from vulnerable groups in cross-border area created and 2.Capacities for eco-tourism, particularly bird watching as a form of new, innovative approach of experiencing tourism raised and this type of tourism promoted, recognized and integrated in tourism offer in cross border region as a adequate tool for nature protection and social development. Project activities: 1.1: Organising joint promotion and networking event 1.2. Designing new tourism products-developing birdwatching routes in new destinations 1.3. Creation and design of the publication “Training materials for wildlife tourist guides in the cross-border area between Serbia and BIH” A1.4. Organising two training courses for birdwatching guides with 40 trained guides 1.5. Organising study visit to the social tourism enterprise “Courtyard of sustainable development” and Special Nature Reserve “Zasavica”. 1.6. Organising visibility campaign for the promotion of new tourism destination in cross-border area 2.1. Two training courses for birds food and birds houses production 2.2. Procurement of material and tools for bird food and birdhouses production 2.3. Product placement: branding, marketing and trading of new product 2.4. Two final promotion events, each in both countries organised for 100 participants
Expected results 1.1 – One joint promotion and networking event for 100 tourism stakeholders as participants organised 1.2 – Two Birdwatching routes mapped, defined and marked with 6 information boards established (3 in IBA Donje Podrinje and 3 in protected landscape Konjuh) 1.3 – Publication “Training materials for wildlife tourist guides in the cross-border area between Serbia and BiH” created, designed and published in 50 samples. 1.4 – Two training courses for birdwatching guides organised and 40 guides trained 1.5 – Study visit to the social tourism enterprise “Courtyard of Sustainable Development” and Special Nature Reserve “Zasavica” organised for 80 participants 1.6 – Visibility campaign for the promotion of new tourism destinations launched 2.1 – Two training courses for birds food and birds houses production organized 2.2 – Material and tools for bird food and birdhouses production (jigsaws, electric screwdrivers, table saws, small hand tools for households) and two machines for packing bird food procured for two partner organisations Caritas Sabac and Red Cross Tuzla. 2.3 – Two products-bird food and bird houses branded, packed and placed in pet shops and retail chains and two short videos about the project business products created and promoted via visibility campaign. 2.4 – Two final promotion events, each in both countries organised for 100 participants
Expected outputs  N/A
Lead partner Institution name: Caritas Šabac
Country : Serbia
Address: Kneza Lazara 1/4/25, 15000 Šabac
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Red Cross of Tuzla Canton
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Džafer Mahala 15 , 75000 Tuzla
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS)
Country: Serbia
Address: Radomira Raše Radujkova 1a , 21000 Novi Sad
Legal status: Private