Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Fostering social and economic inclusion
Project start date 01.02.2023
Project end date 31.01.2025
Project total budget EUR 235881,36
Project EU funding EUR 179128,603
Description Overall objective: To foster the cross-border joint economic self-employment potential through improvement of entrepreneurship environment for youth and women-led start-ups Specific objective: To stimulate economic growth and employment in Brčko district BIH and Loznica SRB through increase of vulnerable groups entrepreneurship abilities and skills and improvement of the cross-border (social) entrepreneurship environment and self-employment initiatives Project activities: Activity Cluster 1. Cross-border project management, implementation, monitoring and reporting (related to Output 1.1.) 1.1. Nomination of the Cross-Border Project Team – CBPT 1.2. Establishment of Cross-Border Advisory Team – CBAT 1.3. Organisation of the regular and ad hoc (if needed) meetings of the Cross-Border Project Team – CBPT on a monthly basis 1.4. Implementation of the internal review on a 6-months basis as an input for bi-annual reports to CBAT and Contracting Authority 1.5. Organization of the Cross-Border Advisory Team – CBAT meetings on a 6-months basis 1.6. Financial verification / audit and Action impact evaluation Activity Cluster 2. Capacity building activities for government and business associations representatives in start-up development, enterprise “incubation” and business environment (related to Output 1.2.) 2.1. Development of ToR and selection of the external expert/company according to PRAG 2.2. Capacity building in start-up development, enterprise “incubation” and business environment for government representatives 2.3. Sharing of experiences and best practices with similar business environment and business enterprise centers and incubators BiH-Serbia-Croatia Activity Cluster 3. Implementation of business pre-incubation phase in Brčko and Loznica (related to Output 1.3.) 3.1. Development of Cross-Border Sustainability – Feasibility Study (SFS) for Brčko District and Loznica 3.2. Development of business plans for Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in Brčko District and Loznica 3.3. Presentation of Cross-Border Sustainability – Feasibility Study (SFS) and business plans for Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in Brčko District and Loznica Activity Cluster 4. Implementation of business incubation phase in Brčko and Loznica (related to Outputs 1.4. and 1.5.) 4.1. Definition of the criteria, public call, selection and contract signature for the first start up “residents” of the Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in Brčko District and Loznica 4.2. Equipping Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in Brčko District and Loznica 4.3. Capacity building of Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) staff in Brčko District and Loznica 4.4. Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) service provision in Brčko District and Loznica Activity Cluster 5. Establishment, implementation and web-based support and connection of Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in cross-border region and European Union (related to Output 1.6. and 1.7.) 5.1. Development and selection of vendor for development of the web-based application 5.2. Development and context design, launching and updating StartupTalkyWalky (Start-up Toki Voki) 5.3. Networking and clustering start-ups from Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) in Brčko and Loznica with the European Union, including networking within European Enterprise Network Activity Cluster 6. Cross-border Project promotion, visibility and advocacy for further expanding of business enterprise centers and incubators services (related to Output 1.8. and all other Outputs) 6.1. Organisation of the NESESER kick-off meeting 6.2. Procurement and implementation of Visibility and Communication Services 6.3. Organization and implementation of Cross-Border 1st Startup Business Forum (CBC1stSBF)
Expected results 2 Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators established and equipped 2 Business plans for Centers created Developed web-based application for start-ups
Expected outputs  N/A


Lead partner Institution name: Development – Guarantee Fund of Brčko District
Country :Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Cvijete Zuzorić bb , 76000 Brčko
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: City of Loznica
Country: Serbia
Address: Karadjordjeva 2 , 15000 Loznica
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: Institute for Development and Innovation
Country: Serbia
Address: Hadži Đerina 13 , 11000 Beograd
Legal status: Private