Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Increasing the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of the programme area
Project start date 01.03.2023
Project end date 28.02.2025
Project total budget EUR322205,89
Project EU funding EUR 273875,01
Description Overall objective: To advance cross-border cooperation in cultural tourism and socio-economic development of the area in order to further promote cross-border tourist potential with emphasis on tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Specific objectives: 1) To strengthen capacities of craftswomen and female artisans to boost cultural tourism development in the cross-border area; 2) To enhance quality of the cross-border cultural tourism offer by co-creating new joint tourism products and 3) To improve cross-border collaborations and connections between tourism stakeholders (as drivers of both tourism offer and tourism demand), especially with (unemployed) craftswomen and female artisans. Project activities: 1.1. Joint project management: 1.1.1. Project Team establishment and kick-off meeting 1.1.2. Joint Coordinating Body establishment and quarterly meetings 1.1.3. Financial management 1.1.4. Procurement, contracting and contract management 1.1.5. Organization of capacity-building and networking events 1.1.6. Drawing up narrative and financial reports 1.1.7. Monitoring, evaluation, learning and reporting 1.2. Communication, Dissemination and Visibility 1.2.1. Drawing up Communication Plan 1.2.2. Implementation of Communication Plan 1.2.3. Coordination with external experts engaged to brand, design and produce promotional materials 1.2.4. Dissemination of promotional materials 1.2.5. Organization of dissemination and promotion events 1.2.6. PR and social media 2.1. Organization of trainings and workshops for craftswomen and female artisans 2.1. Organization of trainings and workshops for craftswomen and female Artisans 2.1.1. Developing criteria for selection of project beneficiaries and selection (via open call and/or direct invitation) 2.1.2. Organizing up to 4 orientational info sessions to introduce beneficiaries to the project objectives, expected results and activities (2 per country) 2.1.3. Capacity-building programme for the beneficiaries (series of 6 workshops and trainings; 3 per country) 2.2. Co-developing joint tourism products to improve cross-border tourism offer 2.2.1. Procurement of equipment and raw materials for beneficiaries 2.2.2. Development of preliminary joint cultural tourism products (incl. product and package design) 2.2.3. Organizing 2 study visits (1 per country) to exchange experiences and shape the joint tourism products 2.2.4. Development of final joint cultural tourism products (up to 400 items, 200 per country) 3.1. Organization of cross-border tourism events to boost networking and cooperation for improved tourism offer 3.1.1. Developing a program of tourist colonies/events to promote developed joint tourism products as well as places from which they originate 3.1.2. Organizing up to 3 joint cultural tourist colonies/events to promote joint tourism products and support networking (incl. diplomatic core, public officials, media) which includes sightseeing the places from which developed products originate (2 in Serbia and 1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina) 3.1.3. Advocating for establishment of specialized cross-border sales galleries for traditional arts and crafts (1 in Serbia in a participating municipality, a local hotel or similar) 3.1.4. Organizing a cross-border exhibition for local craftswomen and female artisans producing products with tourism potential that can be valorised and commercialized on tourism market (1 event in Serbia) 3.2. Engaging additional stakeholders in advancing relevant policies, tourism offer and heritage preservation efforts 3.2.1. Organizing up to 2 joint creative workshops for schoolteachers and academic staff who work with youth and children in cooperation with local schools from the programme area to teach about how to promote cultural heritage, craftsmanship and local tourist potentials among youth and children (1 per country) 3.2.2. Developing recommendations for definition of regulatory framework for social entrepreneurship in programme area municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (based on the successful example in Serbia)
Expected results 1. Up to 60 craftswomen and female artisans with enhanced skills to co-create and market their products as part of the tourism offer. 2. At least 2 joint tourism products co-developed and jointly placed on tourism market in participating municipalities/cross-border area. 3. New collaborations and connections between cross-border stakeholders established to support sustainable socio-economic and tourism development of the cross-border area
Expected outputs  N/A
Lead partner Institution name: NALED – National Alliance for Local Economic Development
Country : Serbia
Address: Makedonska 30/VII , 11000 Beograd
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Ethno Network
Country: Serbia
Address: Makedonska 30, 11000 Beograd
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Bosnian Handicrafts UHD
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Izeta Sarajlića 5 , 75000 Tuzla
Legal status: Private