Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Strengthening the cultural identity of the programme area
Project start date 31/12/2018
Project end date 30/9/2020
Project total budget EUR 263,914.43
Project EU funding EUR 224,327.27
Description Overall objective: To  contribute to conservation and promotion of the region’s biodiversity through joint development actions in the field of nature protection of endangered species
Specific objective: To foster the protection and promotion of the most valuable biodiversity  features in the Drina catchment area  through innovative tools for conservation of Omorika natural sites
Result 1:  Improved management of endangered Omorika natural sites
Result 2 : Developed and established partnership between nature conservation institutions
Result 3: Raised awareness about biodiversity among local communities, national and regional public and visitorsA1. Assessment of endemic species
A1.1 Assessment of endangerment status of   omorika populations using new technologies and remote sensing
A1.2 Assessment and implementation of  Study with Genetically research in Bosnia
A1.3 Drafting biodiversity maps
A1.4 Development of  joint Management  plan
A1.5 Implementation of procedure for production of seedling of Serbian Spruce

A2. Organization of  Thematic Conference
A3. Awareness raising activities
A3.1 Education toolkit development and  production
A3.2 Biodiversity day event celebration
A3.3 marking of natural stands of Serbian  Spruce
A3.4 Mobile exhibition producing
A4. Promotion and visibility activities
A4.1 Printing of visibility materials(pen, leaflet, banner, pen, beg, folder)
A4.2. Organization of two press conferences

Expected results Result 1:  Improved management of endangered Omorika natural sites
Result 2 : Developed and established partnership between nature conservation institutions
Result 3: Raised awareness about biodiversity among local communities, national and regional public and visitors
Expected outputs 20 endangered sites addressed by action
9000 school children reached by educational programs in schools
More than 20000 people directly taking part in awareness on biodiversity of Drina Valley
Common Management plan developed for areas of omorika
One joint cross-border monitoring program for endangered species developed
20000 seedlings of Serbian omorika spruce produced
Awareness raising campaign on omorika protection conducted
Lead partner Institution name: Public utility company National Park Tara, Bajina Bašta
Country: Serbia
Address: Hadži Milentija 3, 31250 Bajina Bašta
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: Public utility of forestry Forsets of the Republika Srpska
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Romanijska 1/3, 71350 Sokolac
Legal status: Public