Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – North Macedonia
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Skills improvement and creation of employment opportunities in perspective sectors
Project start date 01.03.2023
Project end date 31.08.2024
Project total budget EUR231.157.3
Project EU funding EUR196.229.43
Description Overall objective: To improve mechanisms for supporting employability and labour mobility in the cross-border area.

Specific objective:
1: to introduce new approaches and cooperation between the public and private sectors in order to support employability and labour mobility in the cross-border area.
2: to increase capacities and competences of public and private sector for implementing employability programmes

Main activities
1.1.1. Kick-off partners meeting
1.1.2. Project meetings
1.1.3. Research on employment trends, opportunities, and actors in key sectors in the Cross-border area – Cross-border study
1.1.4. Developing cross-border networks – Protocol for Collaboration
1.1.5. Developing an Opportunity4You platform with related content for visibility of jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities in the cross-border area – Opportunity4You platform
1.2.1. Developing and launching an informational and educational campaign on opportunities of cross-border collaboration and labour mobility
1.2.2.Organisation of a two-day Networking Conference
1.2.3. Organisation of Info events – GROWTH Bootcamps – two 4-day events for 30 young and unemployed people from 4 municipalities of the cross-border area
1.2.4. Organising 2-day final event – Opportunity4You Days for promoting cross border collaboration (project outcomes) and labour mobility (job fair)
2.1.1. Organisation of a study tour for representatives of LSGs and the project partners of the cross-border area Slovenia- Italy
2.2.2. Organisation of information events – workshops for developing internship programmes for interested organisations (2 – 1 day events trainings)
2.2.3. Organising capacity building events – trainings for organisations and VET centres in developing and accrediting programmes for skilling (2 one day event for at least 30 interested stakeholders in learning how to develop and launch in-house training programme for skilling
2.2.4. Undertaking direct support with 4 months of external mentoring for 10 organisations in developing and implementing pilot VET training programmes for skilling and upskilling

Expected results Expected results:
1.1 New mechanisms (partnership, tools and services) for labour mobility and employability introduced in the cross-border area
1.2 Raised awareness on opportunities of cross-border collaboration labour mobility and employability – campaigns, conferences,Opportunity4You Days (final event- job fair)
2.1 Transfer of know-how to public sector actors from the cross-border area for supporting employability and strengthening collaboration in cross border area;
2.2 Employability programmes developed and implemented
Expected outputs N\A
Lead partner Institution name:Center for Knowledge Management
Country: North Macedonia
Address:Skopje ,Str. 11. Oktomvri, No.:25 (Floor 7)
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name:Centre for development of Skopje planning region
Country:North Macedonia
Address:Skopje , Str. Dimitrie Chupovski, No.: 13
Legal status:Public
Partner Institution name:The Centre for the development of Jablanica and Pcinja districts Leskovac Serbia
Address:Leskovac , Pana Đukića 42
Legal status:Public
Partner Institution name:Municipality of Vlasotince
Address:Vlasotince , Trg Oslobođenja 12
Legal status:Public