Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Albania – Kosovo
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Protection and preservation and valorisation of environmental resources in the programme area
Project start date 15/1/2020
Project end date 14/5/2023
Project total budget EUR501.054
Project EU funding EUR 425.896
Description Overall objective: To contribute to an overall sustainable economic growth in the cross-border region by enabling transition of municipalities into the sustainable green economy through integrated policy, smart public investments and capacity development.

Specific objective(s):
– To drive sustainable growth of municipal incomes by aligning local policies with green economy principles to enhance resource efficiency , and by investing in smart green energy projects to provide low cost and access to non-polluting and good quality electricity to the population of urban and rural areas in Has and Kline/Klina municipalities.
– To raise capacities and stimulate green economy entrepreneurship, sustainable agriculture, and green practices among the general public and different parties as key to eco-touristic potentials and sustainable economic development of the trans-boundary area.

Target groups:
– Citizens of Has and Kline/Klina (at least 85% of inhabitants in rural and urban areas);
– Institutions of public interest (31 kindergartens and schools, 22 healthcare centres, 40 public administration buildings)
– Local farmers and businesses (at least 1192 registered businesses and at least 35% of family farmers);
– CSOs operating in the region (at least 15 CSOs);
– Employees of municipality of Has and Klina.

Final Beneficiaries:
– General public and businesses in the trans-boundary area;
– All municipalities in the two countries;
– Regional stakeholders;
– Visitors, tourists and tour operators;
– Small medium enterprises and companies of energy efficient products;
– Civil society sector in general;
– Central government institutions

Summary of the planned activities:
A 1.1.1: Joint analyses and mapping of stakeholders in the cross-border region;
A 1.1.2: Kick off of the project;
A 1.1.3: Develop twining Green Smart Investments Action Plans to incorporate financial benefits and green planning in local governance;
A 1.1.4: Adoption of Municipal Green Smart Investments Action Plans by the City Council;
A 1.2.1: Efficient LED street lightning with smart dimming system in public spaces;
A 1.2.2: Efficient LED indoor lightning of institutions of public interest;
A 1.2.3: Photovoltaic and solar thermal panels for health centres and shools in rural and urban areas;
A 1.2.4: Inauguration Ceremony;
A 1.2.5: Documentation of the innovation investments, education and awareness;
A 1.3.1: Monitoring performance of completed investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, calculating economic benefits per municipality;
A 1.3.2: Design of incentives schemes for local green businesses and entrepreneurs ;
A 1.3.3: Participatory budgeting and a new green smart project in the city budget line generated by savings in energy;
A 1.3.4: Defending the budget in City Council;
A 2.1.1: Organize capacity building program in green economy and green entrepreneurship;
A 2.1.2: Publishing manuals from the trainings as easy tips and steps guidelines for broader public and impact;
A 2.1.3: Organize a study visit for guest house businesses to ”Agave village” in Albania which relies 100% in renewable resources;
A 2.2.1: Promoting municipality of Has and Kline/Klina as green economy starters, sustainable actions and establishing cooperation with tour operators;
A 2.2.2: Cooperation platform for green development in cross-border region – Green cities ecosystems;
A 2.2.3: Final conference and sharing best project lessons learnt and practices;
A 2.2.4: Communication and visibility of the project.

Expected results ER 1.1: Increased local authorities’ accountability and response to promoting the environmental capital, by adoption of local smart investments action plans aligned with EU standards and coordinated for sharing the same trans-boundary vision.
ER 1.2: Citizens of urban and rural areas benefit various public services deriving from clean electricity provided in public spaces and in institutions of public interest due to renewable energy and energy efficiency investments.
ER 1.3: Municipal oenergy costs decreased by at least 30%; Investments are designed and implemented to create a self-sustained financial scheme which influences and incentivises local green businesses and supports multiplication of smart investments; thus structural, intelligent/smart transformation of municipalities is initiated.
ER 2.1: Increased capacities ans stimulated interaction of stakeholders in cross-border region on prniciples and application of practicies and initiatives of green entrepreneurship.
ER2.2: Municipalities of Has and Kline are promoted as green economy starters and strengthened cooperation in the cross-border region through a cross border platform on fundraising, multiplication and sustainability of this action for smart municipalities.
Expected outputs


Lead partner Institution name: Balkan Green Foundation (BGF)
Country: Kosovo*
Address: Rr. Universiteti 36/2, Prishtinë/Priština
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Environmental center for Development Education and Networking (EDEN)
Country: Albania
Address: 7 Rr Bogdani, Kodi Postar, , Tirana
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Has municipality
Country: Albania
Address: Sheshi “Deshmoret e Hasit”, Pallati i Kultures “Pjeter Bogdani”, Qyteti Krumë, , Has
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: Klinë/Klina municipality
Country: Kosovo*|
Address: Rr. Abedin Rexha nr.31, , Klinë/Klina
Legal status: Public