Description |
Overall objective: Creation conditions for sustainable management of natural resources and achieve land degradation neutrality
Specific objectives:
1. Increased technical capacities for preventing land degradation and flood prevention, afforestation and reforestation of the highly degraded areas as anti-erosion measures
2. Institutional set-up of the local self-governments and stakeholders mitigation of erosion, river-basin management and flood prevention and increased human resource capacities for risk management with focus on preventing land degradation and flood prevention
Main activities:
1. Project Management – Organizational and managerial set-up for ensuring smooth execution of the project, traceability, reporting of project progress, detection and resolution of bottlenecks, documentation of the project
2. Supply of 2 machines (caterpillar excavators) – 1 for Bujanovac & 1 for Lipkovo, for the targeted areas and settlements with risks related to land erosion and floods
3. Supply of equipment for flood and atmospheric water i.e. water removal in flooded locations, buildings and houses affected by storm water (drainage pumps, hoses, other small equipment) & for planting trees (drillers for planting, shovels, diggers, construction trolley etc) – set of equipment for Bujanovac & set of equipment for Lipkovo
4. Providing local plants and species (trees) for afforestation and reforestation of the highly degraded areas as anti-erosion measures to prevent land degradation as well as measure through providing local plants and species for the most vulnerable areas affected by land erosion and floods
5. Preparation of feasibility study – Engineering design based on nature-based solution for the municipal torrential waters and highly eroded areas, including Action plan for Bujanovac and Lipkovo
6. Study visits (one in Bujanovac & one in Lipkovo) – 2-day event with participation of the local administration and public utility representatives from each municipality (20 participants from both municipalities on each study visit
7. Awareness raising campaign and visibility of the project at the highest possible level i.e. the project will produce short video (teasers), designing and printing of promotional materials related to risk management, land degradation and flood prevention
8. Capacity building for local institutions, local and regional stakeholders related to risk management, land degradation and flood prevention i.e. training for risk management, preventing land degradation and flood prevention (2 day event) for 20 participants. One training (2 day event) for 30 participants and 3 info sessions (150 on each side) for the local populations and with focus on elderly people, teachers (primary schools) and representatives from other vulnerable groups related to risk management and flood prevention. Training(s) and info sessions will be implemented on both sides (Lipkovo & Bujanovac)
9. Final event – The event in both municipalities will be utilized for promotion of the project and achieved outputs and will provide opportunities for networking and establishment of long-term partnership between both sides. The closing event will be organized for 150 persons and guests (in each municipality) and will last for one day |
Expected results |
The project will provide sizeable impact on joint sustainable utilization of mitigation measures for sustainable management of natural resources and achieve land degradation neutrality for the targeted areas and settlements with risks related to land degradation and floods, as well as increased capacities for safer environment:
1. Improved technical capacities of PUC “Komunalac” Bujanovac & PUC “Pisha” Lipkovo through providing equipment and tools for preventing land degradation and flood prevention
2. Afforestation and reforestation of the highly degraded areas as anti-erosion measures through providing local plants and species for the most vulnerable areas affected by land erosion and floods
3. Institutional set-up of the local-self-governments and stakeholders mitigation of erosion, river-basin management and flood prevention through preparation of feasibility study – Engineering design based on nature-based solution for the municipal torrential waters and highly eroded areas.
4. Increased human resource capacities for risk management, preventing land degradation and flood prevention through trainings and workshops of the local institutions, local and regional stakeholders & training and info sessions for the local populations with focus on elderly people, teachers (primary schools) and representatives from other vulnerable groups |