Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Cross border coordination and joint actions improve the management and energy efficiency of local water supply, wastewater and solid waste systems, and the protection of environment
Project start date 01.12.2020
Project end date31.08.2023 31.08.2023
Project total budget EUR 584.681
0Project EU funding EUR 316.820,15
Description Overall objective: To contribute to improvement of the management and energy efficiency of solid waste systems in the cross-border region between BiH and Montenegro. Specific objectives: SO1 – To strengthen the capacity of institutions and people in the cross-border region for enforcing environmental standards at local level for solid waste systems SO2 – To raise public awareness in the cross-border region of the merits of complying with EU solid waste management and the importance of the environmental protection in general Planned activities: 1.1.1 Procure vehicles and equipment for Public Utility Companies and Utility Inspections 1.1.2 Organise trainings for employees of PUCs and Utility Inspections 1.1.3 Procure and place green islands with info boards 1.2.1 Organise Seminars on Good EU Practice of Solid Waste Systems 1.2.2 Organise Presentations of Good EU Practice in Solid Waste Systems 1.2.3 Brochure on Good EU Practice in Solid Waste Systems 1.3.1 Research on the structure of waste in the target area and possibilities for the improvement of waste management systems 1.3.2 Workshops with stakeholders for providing recommendations for the improvement of solid waste system 1.3.3 Formulate recommendations for the improvement of solid waste system 1.3.4 Organise a Cross-border Conference on Improvement of Solid Waste System 1.4.1 Joint Agreement on cooperation in environmental protection in the cross border region 1.4.2 Cross-border meetings of project stakeholders 1.4.3 Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation on project implementation 2.1.1 Media campaign for raising environmental awareness 2.1.2 ECO Workshops for primary and secondary school students 2.1.3 Cross-border drawing and literary competitions for students 2.1.4 Cross-border quiz on environmental protection for students 2.1.5 Cross-border camp on environmental protection 2.1.6 ECO Events – Mark Earth Day and World Environment Day 2.1.7 Brochure on Environmental Protection 2.1.8 Create and distribute promotional items 2.1.9 Survey on environmental awareness of citizens 2.1.10 Develop mobile applications for environmental protection
Expected results Expected results: R 1.1 Improved technical and personnel capacity of companies and institutions dealing with environmental protection in Montenegro and BiH for management and energy efficiency of solid waste systems; R 1.2 Institutions and companies in charge of environmental protection from BiH and Montenegro familiarised with the good EU practice in solid waste management; R 1.3 Recommendations for improvement of management and energy efficiency of solid waste practices at local level provided; R 1.4 Improved cooperation between environmental stakeholders from BiH and Montenegro; R 2.1 Population in the cross-border area familiarised with the importance of the environmental protection and the merits of complying with EU solid waste management standards.
Expected outputs  N/A
Lead partner Institution name:FORS Montenegro – Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro
Country: Montenegro
Address:Nikšić,ul. Ivana Milutinovića 10
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name:City of Trebinje
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address: Trebinje,Vuka Karadžića br 2
Legal status:Public
Partner Institution name:Public utility company Nikšić
Country: Montenegro
Legal status: Public