Workshop on Serbian experience with the conferral of indirect management powers under the IPA Component II


Apr 30 2014 - May 05 2016

Workshop on Serbian experience with the conferral of indirect management powers under the IPA Component II

The event aimed at facilitating an exchange of experience and know-how on the process of accreditation for the conferral of management powers under IPA component II between the Operating Structures of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Albania.

As the highest Albanian official in a group of fourteen, the Deputy Minister for European Integration, Mr Majlind Lazimi, welcomed the Serbian delegation. Ms Sanda Šimić, the Head of the CBC Body at the Serbian European Integration Office (SEIO), presented the specific organizational aspects of the indirect management system structure in Serbia. Ms Bojana Slijepčević, Head of the HOS Office, and Ms Katarina Ginić, Independent Expert for Horizontal Issues, assisted Ms Šimić during the presentation and the subsequent lively discussion. 

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