Training on reporting under the CBC grants


Sep 05 - 06 2016

Training on reporting under the CBC grants

One more training event related to the management of the EU-funded CBC grant contracts was organised in Plav, Montengro on 24-25 August, 2016 for the grant beneficiaries of the 1st Call for Proposals under the cross-border programme Montenegro-Kosovo*. This event was organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, supported by an EU-funded regional technical assistance project, Cross-Border Institution Building Plus – Phase II.

During this event, grantees had an opportunity to learn about reporting requirements under CBC grant contracts. In total 18 participants representing institutions and organisations from Montenegro that received EU funding through 9 projects were involved in interactive discussions, practical exercises and questions and answers sessions.

The training was attended by 2 representatives from the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro which provided additional value to the training, as they were available for all participants’ questions during day 1 of the training. 

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