The Third Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo* Programme


May 18 2021 - Jul 14 2021

The Third Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo* Programme

The 3rd Call for Project Proposals under IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo Programme is launch today on 18 May 2021, and will be open until 14 July 2021.
The Call has a total budget of EUR 1,600,000.00 (EU contribution) equally divided in two Lots:

  • LOT 1 – Protection and preservation and valorisation of environmental resources in the Programme area – 800.000 EUR;
  • LOT 2 – Tourism, cultural, and natural heritage is valorised as a way to promote the economic development of the area – 800.000 EUR.

The total number of partners must not exceed 4, and it must include at least one Local/Regional Authority per each Country. Each proposed action must include an investment component. Investment in equipment (supply) and/or infrastructure (works) cannot exceed 70% of the total eligible costs.
The project implementation shall not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 36 months, both for LOT 1 and LOT 2.

Applications must be submitted on line via PROSPECT – following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.
The application package and other information is available in the following links:
and the website of the programme:
For more information, contact: Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme, and/or

Source:  IPA II CBC Albania-Kosovo Programme website

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