Second Regional CBC Consultative Forum


Sep 29 2014 - Jun 09 2016

Second Regional CBC Consultative Forum

Under the auspices of the European Union, CBIB+ project has organised the Second Regional CBC Consultative Forum meeting on 11 and 12 September 2014, in Hotel Hollywood, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This event was a follow-up of the First Regional CBC Consultative Forum meeting held on 21 and 22 November 2013in Belgrade, Serbia.

The main objective of the forum was to discuss several aspects related to the implementation of the upcoming CBC programmes at intra-Western Balkan borders under IPA II for the period 2014-2020.

Furthermore, the beneficiaries have been provided an insight into the main differences between the IPA I and IPA II CBC programmes and how the new generation of programmes could bring even more concrete benefits to the region.

In addition the third CBIB+ Steering Committee meeting was organised at the end of the forum.

Last but not least the forum served as a tool for reinforcing contacts and exchanges at regional level in a more structured manner and provided a standing platform for permanent dialogue amongst IPA CBC stakeholders in the Western Balkans and between them and the European Commission services.

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