Public consultation Workshop


Aug 02 2016

Public consultation Workshop

In the course of the programming process, partner countries, the Republic of Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have nominated the members of the Task Force working group for programming. The Task Force is being supported by CBIB+ 2 programming experts.

In June and July 2016, the Task Force supported by programming experts have been working on the programme area situation and SWOT analysis, and definition of the thematic priorities and programme strategy.

In line with the partnership principle and in order to enable all relevant partners to contribute to the preparation of the programming document, the first stakeholders’ consultation workshop was organized in Leskovac.

The aim of this stakeholders’ consultation workshop was on one hand validating strategic choices (thematic priorities) for the IPA CBC programme the Republic of Serbia – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2016-2020 and on the other hand collecting additional inputs and suggestions as well as ideas on potential cross-border type of actions to be supported.

During the part I of the stakeholders’ consultation workshop, the programming expert delivered the presentation on the overview of the programming process conducted so far, SWOT analysis and draft programme strategy (thematic priorities).

While during the part II and part III of the stakeholders’ consultation workshop, the participants were divided into working groups according to thematic priorities. The discussion was moderated in order to elaborate the thematic priorities into the specific objectives, expected results and types of actions.

The event in Leskovac gathered 55 representatives from different local government units, regional development agencies, associations, CSO sector, etc.

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