Public consultation event on draft programming document of 2021 – 2027 IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro


Apr 21 2021


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Public consultation event on draft programming document of 2021 – 2027 IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro

The preparation of IPA III Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Montenegro for the following seven-year financial perspective 2021 – 2027 is in the final phase.

The 2nd draft of the Programme document will be presented to you at the Public consultations on 21 of April 2021 (10:00 – 12:00h) and we are inviting you to give your contribution to this important process by providing your suggestions and proposals on this document. Well-observed and well-described needs lead to better-defined activities for the achievement of goals.

We would kindly ask you to contribute to the decision-making process and improve the quality of the programming process by filling out a short questionnaire via a link.

We also encourage your initiative to forward this message to all individuals and institutions and/or organisations, which, in your opinion, could contribute to a better understanding of the needs of the programme area of this cross-border programme through their active participation in this joint and transparent IPA III programming process.

Please follow the link, if you like to access the Public consultation.

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