Programme presentation and public consultation workshop
Ministry of Local Self Government (MoLSG) of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in partnership with the Ministry of Local government administration of the Kosovo* has started the process of preparing program document for cross-border cooperation for the period 2014 – 2020 in July, 2013. This process, which enters in its final stage, is supported by the EU-funded regional project CBIB+.
To ensure that the potential users and stakeholders are familiarized with the planned and proposed strategic approach that will be a base for cross-border cooperation between the two in the next financial perspective, a presentation of the draft programming document was organised in the Hotel TCC Grand Plaza Skopje.
The second draft of the IPA cross-border cooperation programme, developed on the base of the experience gathered from the previous implementation period, analysis and observations of the current situation in the border area, perceived weaknesses, but also and the recommendations coming from the side of the European Commission was presented.