Presentation of the SITOUR project


Jun 26 2007 - May 05 2016

Presentation of the SITOUR project

SITOUR belongs to the group of projects which regulates the Italian participation to the stabilisation, reconstruction and development process in the Balkans aiming at coordinating Italian initiatives in the countries of this Region

The specific target of the initiative is to jointly prepare an integrated tourist offer, which increases the value of a number of resources present in the area, such as environment, nature, culture, history, art as well as typical local food and handcraft products, in relation to their economic and social value for tourism.

This project aims at:

  • Remodelling territorial promotion together with local authorities and Italian technical assistance;
  • Redefining tourist offer by preparing tailor made tourist packages;
  • Creation of business relationships between Italian and Balkan SMEs. 

The aims of the project shall be achieved by means of peculiar supporting activities, intended to:

  • Analyse the local tourist offer and needs;
  • Provide Technical Assistance to employees working in government bodies in order to define strategies for territorial promotion;
  • Training on laws, which regulate tourism and tourist bodies activities, marketing techniques and their application to the tourist sector;

Countries involved:  

  • Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania.

Italian Partners:    

  •  Chambers of Commerce of Pescara, Florence, Milan, Trieste and Pordenone           

Trade associations:           

  • Confcommercio (The General Confederation of Trade, Tourism, Services and SMEs), FIPE (Italian Federation of Bars and Catering), Federalberghi (the Italian Hotel Association, Pescara),

Other institutions:              

  • Abruzzo Tourist Board,  Promotrieste Consortium, Municipality of Pescara, University of Pescara – Faculty of Architecture


This presentation was a follow up activity after the start-up meeting in Pescara, within the first phase of the project. During the meeting in Pescara, the tasks were assigned to every partner and the implementation of the activities began. For this purpose, two working groups were created: the Coordination Group and the Steering Group together with a working group for every country involved (Country Team).

During the morning session, the press conference was organized in order to illustrate the project in details and to allow the participants a direct evaluation of the actual situation.

The participation of the CBIB team members was very important in order to coordinate activities and exchange experience since both projects are covering the same region.        

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