IPA CBC programmes 2007-2013
This second awareness seminar on IPA cross-border programmes with neighbouring Western Balkan countries that Montenegro participates in (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Croatia) was organized in the Simo Milosevic Institute in Igalo.
This seminar was organized by the CBIB project in close cooperation with and support from the Secretariat of European Integration of the Government of Montenegro. Around 50 different institutions (municipalities, NGOs, associations, educational and cultural institutions etc.) were invited and in total 49 persons participated. The event was well covered by the local media (newspapers and radio).
The objective of this awareness seminar was not only to familiarize the potential applicants with IPA CBC, cross-border programmes and the concept of the cross-border projects, but also to introduce them to the possibilities, opportunities and benefits from the implementation of these programmes for them and their region.
This seminar was officially opened by Ms. Ivana Glisevic, Advisor in SEI, that was also a moderator during the seminar.
Three presentations were made:
- Introduction to IPA and IPA Component II, presented by Mrs. Ratka Sekulovic, Assistant to the Head of the Secretariat for European integrations of Montenegro;
- Regional project Cross Border Institutional Building – CBIB and its activities in the Western Balkan region, presented by Ms. Marija Stevanovic from CBIB central office in Belgrade;
- What is a cross-border project (type of projects, type of partners, budget and eligible costs, call for proposal) presented by Ms. Maja Stojanovic from CBIB central office in Belgrade;
The presentations were followed by questions and answers.
Conclusions and Lessons Learned:
The seminar was considered to be a highly informative and successful event that achieved its objective. All the questions raised were answered. The participants showed great interest in the presented topics and raised many questions regarding the IPA cross-border programmes, project preparation and future trainings and seminars. The presentation prepared on a base of CBIB Guidelines for potential applicants of cross-border programmes proved to be more efficient and effective since not only required procedures but also common mistakes made by potential applicants during the previous Calls for proposals were highlighted. Organization of the seminar, hospitality of the host institutions and clear contents of presentations contributed to raising awareness of the potential applicants in this region.