IPA CBC programmes 2007-2013
On April 18th, 2008, in the Hotel “Vidovic” in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the seventh awareness seminar on IPA cross-border programmes with neighbouring Western Balkan countries, that Bosnia and Herzegovina participates in, was organized.
This seminar was organized by the CBIB project in close cooperation with and support from the Directorate of European Integration of the Bosnia and Herzegovina and Accredited Regional Development Agency of Northwest BiH (ARDA).
The Accredited Regional Development Agency of Northwest BiH (ARDA) was the host institution and based on their initiative the seminar for north-west region was organized in Banja Luka for the second time.
Different institutions (municipalities, NGOs, and chambers of commerce, tourist and cultural institutions, universities, schools, SMEs etc.) were invited and more than 130 representatives attended the seminar.
The seminar in Banja Luka was one of the last awareness seminars before the round of trainings for the potential applicants in Bosnia and Herzegovina starts next month. The specific objective of the awareness seminar was to help potential applicants of the North-west region to start thinking about projects ideas, preparation of projects and search of relevant partners.
Mr. Slobodan Markovic, Director of the Accredited Regional Development Agency of Northwest BiH (ARDA), officially opened the awareness seminar,
Four presentations were made:
- Introduction to IPA and IPA Component II:
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) of the European Commission-
General information on IPA Component II – Cross-Border Cooperation
Cross-border programmes 2007-2013 for the border regions: Bosnia and Herzegovina – Croatia: eligible areas, priorities with measures and operations, beneficiaries, indicative financial allocations, presented by Mrs. Nada Bojanic and Mr. Branimir Gojkovic from Directorate for European Integration for Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Regional project for Cross-border Institutional Building – CBIB, presented by Mr. Haris Piknjac EU Expert from CBIB Sarajevo office.
- What is a cross-border project (type of projects, type of partners, budget and eligible costs, call for proposal) presented by Ms. Maja Stojanovic from CBIB Belgrade office;
- Role of ARDA and future activates by Mr. Nikola Dragović, Manager for project panning and implementation, ARDA NW
The presentations were followed by questions and answers.
Conclusions and Lessons Learned:
The seminar was considered to be a highly informative and successful event that achieved its objective. Organization of seminar jointly with RDA ARDA proved to be a full success, especially division of organizational responsibilities and invitation of stakeholders from wider North-west region. It was very well organized and conducted in an excellent manner. The great interests of the participants show that IPA CBC raises a lot of expectations in the region. Participants of the seminar showed great interest in the presented topics and most of the participants expressed interest to participate in future trainings and seminars. Organization of the seminar, hospitality of the host institutions and clear contents of presentations contributed to razing awareness of the potential applicants in this region.