IPA CBC programmes 2007-2013


Oct 26 2007 - May 05 2016

IPA CBC programmes 2007-2013

The awareness seminar on IPA CBC was organized in the Regional Council of Kukes on October 26th 2007. this was the fourth awareness seminar organized in Albania by CBIB and the first organized in the area eligible for cross-border cooperation with Montenegro. The IPA cross-border programme Albania-Montenegro, as well as the unilateral border development programme on the border with Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), were presented to the participants.

The seminar was organized in close cooperation with Ministry of European Integration and the Regional Council of Kukes. A total number of 32 people participated in the seminar. The seminar was officially opened by Mr. Shefqet Bruka, Head of the Regional Council.

The event was well covered by national and local media. The representative of the Ministry of Integration Ms. Albana Hana gave an interview for the national television TOP Channel. During the interview she explained shortly the objectives of the cross-border programme and the support provided by the CBIB project.


The overall objective of the information and awareness raising day was to provide the final beneficiaries of the Kukes region with:

            (i)    a general overview of IPA and the Component II – cross-border cooperation;

           (ii)    relevant information on IPA cross-border programmes: eligible areas, priorities and measures, eligible applicants and actions;

          (iii)    characteristics of cross-border projects;

          (iv)    general information on the CBIB project and the support that it will provide to potential applicants as well as to the National Authorities in the process of implementation of CBC programmes.


  • Organization of the awareness seminars on the programmes is very important for making potential applicants aware of new funding opportunities;
  • Participants showed a particular interest on the coming training programme presented by the CBIB representatives.

Lessons Learned:

  • Role of the Regional Authorities is crucial during the entire process;
  • Women participation in the cross border projects should be given a special priority;
  • Capacity building is crucial for successful implementation of the cross border programme;
  • Information on cross border programmes should reach not only few groups but all communities in the eligible regions.
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