International Conference on Cross-border Cooperation in the Prespa-Ohrid Euroregion


Jun 23 2007 - May 05 2016

International Conference on Cross-border Cooperation in the Prespa-Ohrid Euroregion

This international conference was organized in Ohrid with a view to present the IPA cross-border cooperation programmes – between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the neighbouring countries of Albania and Greece – to the relevant stakeholders in the Prespa-Ohrid Euroregion.

The event was held in Hotel Granit, in Ohrid, on June 23rd and 24th, 2007. 41 participants were present at the conference, out of which: 23 from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 15 from Albania, one from Greece, one from Hungary and one from France.

The conference was covered by the national television A1 (on Saturday, June 23rd, there was a press release in the main news at 19:30, with footage from the conference and interviews with the CBIB experts).

The conference covered the following topics:

  • Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA):
  • Cross-border programme: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania
  • Cross-border programme: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia –Greece;
  • Case study: Analysis of the NGO sector in the Prespa-Ohrid Euroregion: Issues and Challenges;
  • Transboundary cooperation for the Prespa Park process: Issues and lessons learned;
  • Best practice in Cross-border cooperation under the EU CARDS: case study on the Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia border region
  • Submission of projects: priorities, measures and areas of interest for Albania – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia border region;
  • Calls for proposals: procedures to be followed and preconditions to be fulfilled by the applicants;
  • Group work: Session I – cross-border programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania: SWOT analysis – areas of interest under the first priority,
    – Measure one “Economic development with an emphasis on tourism related areas”
    – Measure three “Social cohesion and cultural exchange through people-to-people and institution-to-institution actions”;
  • Group work: Session II – Development of project ideas under the first priority, measure one “Economic development with an emphasis on tourism related areas” and measure three “Social cohesion and cultural exchange through people-to-people and institution-to-institution actions” from the cross-border program between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania;
  • Presentation of SWOT analysis and project ideas

For the CBIB Skopje office, this conference was a pilot action, which will facilitate the definition of a method for further training and awareness activities.

Lessons Learned:

  • High motivation and expectation of the local stakeholder;
  • The presentation of case studies and ongoing cross-border cooperation is an added value and is highly appreciated by the participants;
  • The presence of participants from both sides of the border facilitates the brainstorming on project identification. An international (or cross-border) event has a better and richer output than a national event;
  • Shorter presentations are required in order to leave more time for group work.
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