Informative workshop: “Preparing project proposals for the Cross-border Programme”


Jun 24 - 25 2021

Informative workshop: “Preparing project proposals for the Cross-border Programme”

The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Local Self-Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, with the technical support of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), invite you to attend a one-day information workshop on “Preparation of project proposals for the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia-North Macedonia 2016-2020” .

Due to the existing epidemiological measures and the inconsistency of the situation on the territory of both countries, the workshop will take place on 24 and 25 June 2021, online, from 9 am to 5 pm with breaks, and participants will choose the day when they would like to participate when they apply for participation. The link to the online platform for participation in the workshop will be provided to the registered participants.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please confirm your attendance by filling out the application form via the following link no later than Tuesday 22 June 2021. If you think that other institutions and organizations you work with may be interested in this workshop, please provide them with information.

As the number of places is limited, the right to participate is acquired in the order of application and each institution/organization can apply for a maximum of two people. Each of the applicants will receive a confirmation of the possibility to attend the workshop, exclusively due to the limited interactive work via online tools.

The following topics will be presented during the workshop: the Serbia-North Macedonia Cross-Border Cooperation Program, development of a logical framework matrix in the context of the cross-border cooperation program and its connection with the application form, financial management, eligible costs in the standard budget form, reporting methods, project monitoring and as well as other topics described in the event’s Agenda.

The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-North Macedonia is funded by the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance provided by the European Union and covers the budget period from 2016 to 2020. It is implemented according to the rules of the decentralized management system, where the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia is responsible for contracting the funds.

For all additional information and assistance when applying for participation, we are at your disposal at:

More info on IPA II CBC Serbia – North Macedonia programme website 

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