“EU funds – possibilities and opportunities”
1st European Conference “EU funds – possibilities and opportunities” took place on October 1st in
CBIB office
The conference was officially opened by Mr. Erwan Fouéré, Special Representative of the European Union and Head of the Delegation of the European Commission.
Conference was divided in three panels. During the first panel – “EU funds available for
The second panel – “Expectations and needs of the potential IPA funds users” – was used as an opportunity to exchange of experience among the beneficiaries of previous EU programmes from the
The third panel – “IPARD – financing the rural development – chance for competitive agriculture” – focused on IPA component V – Rural Development.
Each panel was followed by discussion, questions and answers.
300 persons participated on the 1st European Conference. The event was well covered by the national media (TV, newspapers and radio).
CBIB office had a presentation desk in the reception hall, with CBIB promotional items and brochures on IPA CBC and cross-border programme between the
Conclusions and Lessons Leanred:
The organizers consider this event a full success and were particularly pleased by the unexpectedly high turnout.
The participants showed great interest in the presented topics. Many questions were raised and it obviously showed that there is an interest in IPA funds but also that the potential beneficiaries are still missing the needed information. No matter when the first calls for proposals will be launched it is not too early to start the awareness campaign in the region.
Media Coverage: