‘Cross-Border Cooperation – a Tool for Regional Integration’, Regional Workshop on IPA


Feb 06 2007 - May 05 2016

‘Cross-Border Cooperation – a Tool for Regional Integration’, Regional Workshop on IPA

On February 6th 2007, in Mostar, the representatives of national authorities from three countries – Croatia ( Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Trade and Development), Montenegro (Secretariat of European Integration) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Directorate for European Integration, Federal Ministry of Development) , as well as regional and local authorities from Croatia and Bosnia and EC Delegation from Bosnia attended a regional workshop on cross-border cooperation organized by CBIB.

Other important actors in the process – REDAH Mostar, EU RED II project, and ISC also attended the workshop.



The workshop was organized so as to facilitate the initial steps in cooperation of the three Western Balkans countries. It consisted of two main sessions. The morning session, plenary session, was dedicated to presentation of issues of common interest related to cross-border cooperation. The successful cross-border projects were pointed out and the needs of the bordering region addressed.

The afternoon session, two bilateral meetings – was dedicated to bilateral meetings of technical representatives of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

The reason for structuring the workshop in this way was to meet its three main goals:

  • To define the format and the composition of the operating structures for each border which are responsible for the preparation of cross-border programmes and to reach an agreement on the responsibilities of the Joint Programming Committee and the Drafting Team;
  • To discuss the eligible areas;
  • To establish the timetable of activities for the preparation of cross-border programmes.
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