Awareness Seminar for the cross-border cooperation programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania, Regional Workshop


May 11 - 05 2007 - 2016

Awareness Seminar for the cross-border cooperation programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania, Regional Workshop

This event was organized in Hotel Kicevo, in Kicevo, on May 11, 2007, under the name “INFO Day for the cross-border cooperation programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania”. Seventy participants were present at this event – representatives of municipalities, chambers of commerce, NGOs, national cultural institutions, SMEs, and UNDP project offices.

CBIB Skoje office assisted the Ministry of Local Self Government in organizing this Regional Workshop with preparation of invitations and presentation, distribution of materials related to the workshop, preparation of the press release and all other logistics arrangements.


As the cross-border programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania was being finalized, there was a need to present and discuss its content particularly with representatives of municipalities, NGOs, chambers of commerce and SMEs as they were involved in the data collection process for the situation analysis of the eligible areas and interviews on questionnaires for SWOT analyses.

The event was opened by the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Kicevo and Mrs. Elena Petkanovska, the National IPA Component II Coordinator. CBIB team gave presentations on the IPA in general and IPA CBC, the CBIB project itself, the content of the cross-border programmeVarious chapters of the programme were presented: IPA general part, IPA component 2 and CBIB project, process of programme preparation, Programme content, eligible region, main topics on the description of the cross-border region, priorities and measures and next steps and SWOT analyses and joint opportunities from SWOT.

This event was used to collect initial information on the training needs (questioners were distributed to and collected from the participants).

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