2nd CBIB II SC meeting and regional coordination meeting
Taking into consideration a very successful Regional Coordination meeting that accompanied the first CBIB II Steering Committee in March 2009 in Podgorica, when many importan issues were discussed and sloved, CBIB decided to organise another regional meeting to follow in the wake of the 2nd SC.
The two meetings took place in Sarajevo, in the premises of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 16th, 2009. Representatives of European Commission, EU Delegations form the Region, nationa lOperating Structures and Heads of JTSs were present.
The meeting was used as the occasion to discuss the most important operational issues related to the launching and implementation of the CfP:
- Procedure for handling requests for additional information during the CfP;
- Coordination of events planned (information sessions and Partner Search Forums);
- Contracting deadlines;
- Annual Reports on Implementation.
The main message conveyed by all the speakers was that the IPA CBC process in the Western Balkans is in a crucial phase and that joint efforts must be made so that the process could move forward without obstacles. As Ms. Yvonne Kapella, CBIB EC Programme Manager, pointed out: ‘joint initiatives and synergies are required more than ever in the upcoming period!’
The overall conclusion of all present was that regional coordination facilitated by such joint meetings is necessary and should be maintained in the future as well.