Joint meeting of EC/ECDs/OSs and JTSs
Following the adoption by European Commission of 8 IPA cross-border programmes on the internal WB borders in December 2007, signature of the Financial Agreements by the relevant parties in April/May 2008 and setting up of the necessary joint structures, the preconditions for the launching of the first Calls for Proposals have been fulfilled. The Guidelines for Applicants together with the Application packages are almost ready and the CfPs will be launched soon.
In order to adequately prepare for the next steps in the implementation and to harmonise the approach all over the Region, joint meeting of the representatives of the European Commission, Delegations of the European Commission, Operating Structures, Joint Technical secretariats and respective Technical assistance projects has been organised by the CBIB (Cross Border Institution Building) on March 5th 2009 in Podgorica.
The main objective of the meeting was to support the ongoing implementation of the IPA CBC programmes and to precise the unclear aspects of their management.
Furthermore, the meeting focused on the following:
- presentations of the progress made in each WB country and bottlenecks encountered in the process;
- clarifications for the main issues related to the management and implementation of IPA CBC programmes;
- harmonisation of the approach in the implementation of all IPA CBC programmes on the internal WB borders.
General description of the event:
The meeting was officially opened by Ms. Ana Vukadinovic, Secretary of the Secretariat for European Integrations, Government of Montenegro, Mr. Giannantonio Ballette, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Enlargement Unit D1 “Financial Instruments and Contract”, European Commission, Brussels and Mr. Enrique Aguado Asenjo, Task Manager for Democratic Stabilisation, Delegation of the European Commission to Montenegro.
During the introductory session the representatives of the Operating Structures of WB countries had the possibility to present progress made and main problems encountered during the previous period. After the introductory session the working session was organised covering main issues related to the implementation and management of the IPA CBC programmes.
The following topics were discussed:
- Launching and implementation of Call for Proposals;
- Relevant programme structures (Joint Technical Secretariats, Joint Monitoring Committees, Joint Steering Committee);
- IPA technical assistance funds;
- Project evaluation, selection and implementation;
- Programme reporting;
- Revision of IPA cross-border programmes.
The meeting was structured as an interactive process in order to initiate debate and dialogue and reach common understanding and agree on the necessary approach to start the successful implementation of the programmes and effective usage of the available funds.
After the Joint meeting, the first CBIB II Steering Committee meeting was organised where the findings of the Needs Assessment, together with the agreed country work plans and the Inception report were presented.