Slovenia – Croatia


Sep 28 2009 - May 05 2016

Slovenia – Croatia

Slovenia – Croatia

IPA Cross-Border Programme between Slovenia and Croatia is a continuation of the cooperation already established in the previous programming period under the PHARE and CARDS programme and Neighbourhood Programme.

Overall Objective of the Programme

The strategic objective of the programme is to support and promote sustainable development of the whole cross-border area between Slovenia and Croatia.

There are three programme priorities:

Priority I

Economic and Social Development

Priority II

Sustainable management of natural resources

Priority III

Technical assistance

Programme Management

The Managing Authority of the Programme is Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy in Slovenia.

JTS Ljubljana


Government Office for Local Self’Government and Regional Policy, Objective 3, IPA, Interreg in Phare Unit ,Kotnikova 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana


+386 1 478 38 35

Fax: +386 1 478 38 60


Programme website:

Eligible area

Slovenia: Pomurska, Podravska, Savinjska, Spodnjeposavska, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Notranjsko-kraška, Obalnokraška, Osrednjeslovenska

Croatia: Međimurska, Varaždinska, Krapinsko-zagorska, Zagrebačka, Karlovačka, Primorsko-goranska, Istarska, Zagreb County

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