Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – North Macedonia
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Mobilising cultural and natural resources for joint development of sustainable tourism products and destinations
Project start date 07.06.2023
Project end date 06.12.2024
Project total budget EUR198.667.59
Project EU funding EUR155.596.46
Description Specific objective: to strengthen common tourist image of targeted area through implementation of cross-border public-private partnership model by development of joint creative tourism offers based on common natural, cultural, and historical heritage.

Project activities:
Activity 1.1. Kick-off partners meeting
Activity 1.2. Joint Steering Group meetings
Activity 1.3. Joint project management and coordination
Activity 1.4. Public-private cross-border cooperation network sessions
Activity 1.5. Small-scale investments in tourist infrastructure at natural site “Sokolica” in Leskovac
Activity 1.6. Small-scale investments in tourist infrastructure at cultural-historical site “Gradec” in Kriva Palanka
Activity 2.1. Development of promotional tools and outreach communication and visibility kit
Activity 2.2. Public opening of natural site “Sokolica” in Leskovac
Activity 2.3. Public opening of cultural-historical site – Gradets in Kriva Palanka
Activity 2.4. Organisation of joint outdoor exhibition “Land of Legends” in the City of Leskovac
Activity 2.5. Organisation of regional tourism cross-border conference in Kriva Palanka

Expected results 1. Image of tourism destinations in targeted area increased
2. The quality of visitors’ experience increased
Expected outputs Outputs related to Outcome 1: Image of tourism destinations in targeted area increased:
1.1.1 Number of joint management and monitoring project structures operational: 2
1.1.2 Number of Joint Steering Committee meetings held:3
1.1.3 Number of project coordination meetings held: 3
1.1.4 Number of cross border networks/ partnerships formed:1
1.1.5 Number of meetings held among members of the network or partnership formed: 1
1.1.6 Number of cross border cooperation agreements signed: 1
1.1.7 Number of organizations participating in cross-border networks/partnerships formed: 10
1.1.8 Number of new joint tourism offers developed/introduced in the programme area: 1
1.1.9 Number of small-scale investments in tourist infrastructure: 2
Outputs related to Outcome 2: The quality of visitors’ experience increased
1.2.1. Number of plans developed: 1
1.2.2. Number of communication and visibility kits prepared: 1
1.2.3. Number of promotion and visibility materials produced and distributed/published/broadcasted: 1 joint promotional video-clip, 6 000 leaflets, 10 wooden leaflet holders, 30 articles or entries published in partners’ web portals / Facebook/ Instagram, 2 banners
1.2.4. Number of noncommercial (unpaid) reports published on project activities and results (press and electronic clipping: 6
1.2.5. Number of information/promotion events organized: 6
1.2.6 Number of participants in information/promotion events: 770
Lead partner Institution name:Munincipality of Kriva Palanka
Country: North Macedonia
Address:Kriva Palanka,Joakim Osogovski 175
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name:Municipality Lebane
Address:Leskovac ,Pana Djukica 9-11
Legal status:Public