As a continuation activity within implementation of the project “Child friendly tourism in the cross-border region” implemented by the Association for Democratic Prosperity – Wall (ADP-Zid) in cooperation with the organization “Children Today” (NGO) from Albania, the second module of training was held from 27 to 29 March 2019, at Hotel Europa, in Shkodra (Albania), with the aim to contribute to increasing cooperation and connecting representatives of the tourism industry, non-profit organizations as well as civil society organizations from Montenegro and Albania.
Throught discussion and active participation, participants from tourism organizations, municipalities, national parks, as well as other members of the civil sector exchanged their opinions and experiences about what is needed to develop products in relation to the characteristics of a destination; how tourism and local actors can support product development; which are examples of good practice from the EU; as well as the way to develop a cross-border product / cooperation in the areas covered by the project. During the second training module, the participants worked on the development of market niches and the development of the Child friendly brand as a tourist product.
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For more information about IPA CBC programme Montenegro – Albania check programme website.