On 25-27 September 2024, the 10th regional CBC consultative forum took place in Hotel Mediteran in Bečići, Montenegro.

This forum gathered more than 60 representatives of the management structures of the Beneficiaries of the IPA-IPA (II & III) CBC programmes (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), DG NEAR, the Delegations of the European Union in these Beneficiaries, DG REGIO and guest speakers from Interact and the Interreg-IPA programmes Romania-Serbia, South Adriatic and Greece-North Macedonia.

The main goal of the Forum was to bring together the IPA CBC community in order to take stock of IPA II and IPA III CBC programmes and discuss topics of a regional interest (e.g. quality CBC projects, visibility and communication of CBC programmes, IPA III CBC regional monitoring system, exploring synergies among Interreg IPA and IPA-IPA CBCs, capacity building for local public administration –instruments and tools available, CBCs and macro-regional strategies as learning tools for shared management and advancement on Chapter 22, etc.).

During this Forum, through the active participation of relevant stakeholders joint challenges with possible common solutions were discussed.

Presence of DG REGIO and Interreg CBC programmes’ representatives ensured exchange of experience and lessons learned between the two, Interreg and IPA-IPA programmes.

Back-to-back with regional CBC Forum, on 27 September, two more regional meetings were organised: capitalisation network and technical working group on performance measurement

During these three days, bilateral coordination meetings took place as well.