Bijelo Polje, 29.05.2023. As part of the IPA Programme, the European Union financed the construction of the first saline room as well as equipment for neurofeedback and biofeedback therapy in the Daily Care Center “Tisa” in Bjelo Polje, announced the director of this institution, Ensad Omerović, at the final press conference organised to mark completion of the project “Common actions for better care”.

“In addition, we launched a new program for users over 27 years old, which is also a novelty when it comes to Day Care Centers in Montenegro. We organized work in the second shift and hired two professional workers, a driver and a nurse, who took care of and worked with the users in the second shift,” stressed Omerović.

The partner in this project was the Association for Helping Mentally Underdeveloped Persons “Tahir Taša Delić”, Novi Pazar, which procured a van, within the project, for the needs of mobile teams engaged in rural areas in Novi Pazar, and equipment for the production of candles was purchased, too.

“As part of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia-Montenegro, 24 projects with a total value of over 6.74 million euros have been supported so far in the areas of employment, workforce mobility, social and cultural inclusion, environmental protection and encouraging climate change adaptation, as well as the development of tourism potential through the valorization of natural and cultural heritage. The goal of these projects is to improve the standards and quality of life of people in the program area of ​​the two countries,” said Marko Dragaš, head of the Directorate for Regional and Infrastructure Projects in the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro.

“The commitment to the work of the structures in charge of managing the program in Montenegro and Serbia made it possible for us today to have the opportunity to present the results of this project, which are really significant and relate to the improvement of the conditions of children, young people and adults with disabilities in day care centers in Bijelo Polje and Novi Pazar, as well as the introduction of new services within these centers,” said Dragaš.

Project ” Common actions for better care” was implemented within the framework of the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Program Serbia – Montenegro 2014-2020.


Source: IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro website