The State Secretary in the Ministry of European Integration, Mira Radenović Bojić, and the Head of Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Nikola Bertolini, visited the dairy “Naša Zlatka” in Kriva Reka, where they were introduced to the results of the project “From Hills to Dairies.”

During the tour of the production facility, Bertolini expressed his satisfaction with the successful implementation of the project and emphasized that European funds were spent in the best way to create local economy and enable the sustainable development of rural areas.

“Such projects contribute to the preservation of local communities, encourage employment, and enable people to stay and work in their places. The European Union continues to support initiatives that strengthen local economies, and I am very happy to see the concrete results of this support,” said Bertolini.

The Director of the Regional Development Agency Zlatibor, Slavko Lukić, emphasized that this visit confirms the long-term cooperation between the Municipality of Čajetina, the Regional Development Agency Zlatibor (RRA), and the EU funds. “The support of the Municipality of Čajetina to this project shows how important it is to invest in the preservation of villages, domestic production, and family farms. From the initial micro-level, today we have a recognizable brand – the dairy ‘Naša Zlatka’,” said Lukić.

The Director of “Eko Agrar,” Marko Marić, stated that the dairy currently processes three to four thousand liters of milk per day, a significant portion of which is dedicated to the production of organic dairy products.

The project ” FROM HILLS TO DAIRIES – Valorisation of the milk production in the cross-border area of Serbia and Montenegro” was implemented within the Serbia–Montenegro Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Montenegro 2007–2013, and its implementation significantly contributed to the improvement of dairy production in Zlatibor.


Source: IPA II CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro website