Project funding EU
Project website
Programme website Montenegro – Kosovo*
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective To improve the access to the labour market
Project start date 1/9/2020
Project end date 1/9/2022
Project total budget EUR 332.886,30
Project EU funding EUR 282.886,30
Description The overall objectives: Creating favorable conditions for youth to gain better access to labor market in Kosovo and Montenegro cross border area.
Specific objectives: Increasing youth employability in Kosovo and Montenegro by improving career guidance, offering soft skill trainings, internships and volunteering opportunities.
The foreseen activities within the project are:

• A kick-off meeting will be held in Kosovo
• Informative and consultative meetings and public sessions are planned – to widespread knowledge about the Action
• The Pilot committee (PC) will be established for project
• The project communication and visibility activities
• Creation of an a cross border project blog
• An audit and a final evaluation will be conducted by sub-contracted experts
• The project closure ceremony will be held in Montenegro.

Expected results Expected results of the project are:
1. Pupils & students and unemployed youth (1000) are offered career guidance and counseling sessions to make informed decisions.
2. Students & unemployed youth (400) received certified soft skills trainings to actively search for a job and sustainably access the labor market.
3. Students and unemployed youth (50) gained their first professional experience through a quality internship and volunteering programme.
4. Professionals, employers, youth and Public authorities enhanced a dialogue and are informed about the action’s results in order to exchange on good practices, transfer knowledge and ultimately propose changes.
Expected outputs Expected outputs of the project are:
• A kick-off meeting held in Kosovo.
• The Pilot committee (PC), which is the project management and operational structure and gathers the representatives of all applicants established.
• Informative and consultative meetings and public sessions are planned – to widespread knowledge about the Action
• The opening project ceremony will be held in Kosovo as a joint event with partners from Montenegro and various stakeholders.
• The MEAL system will be established/created
• The creation of a cross border project blog
• The career guidance information and counseling sessions will be organized for youth
• A wide consultation process will be conducted by the staff in the 5 target Municipalities
• Desk research will be also conducted on existing online resources and other projects on Career guidance
• At least 1000 brochure will be printed and directly distributed to the youth as a career guidance
• An Information e-campaigns for youth about soft skills and attitudes to access the job market will be organized
• Four Information & training sessions for educational professionals and counselors. In total 40 professionals are targeted.
• 12 sessions career guidance sessions will be organized, 6 in Kosovo and 6 in Montenegro during the first year.
• Both career guidance and training counselors in Kosovo and Montenegro will receive individual request and refer to other project activities such as visits, trainings and other active stakeholders in the sector
• A 12 “Job Discovery visits” will be organized in Kosovo and Montenegro
• One job discovery visit will be a cross border visit to a company-employer in Kosovo.
• The Development of job hunting techniques to gain confidence and effectively search of a job is going to be prepared.
• The Development of soft skills, particularly stressed upon by the employers for their recruitments is going to be finalized.
• the Curricula will produce 10 functional maps reflecting the expected learning outcomes and methodology for the training process
• At least 10 trainings on job hunting techniques for 200 students and unemployed youth will be organized
• 10 different non-formal training courses will be organized
• 20 soft skills including creative trainings to 200 students & unemployed Youth will be organized
• The MoU with competent institutions to obtain the certification for the delivered trainings in order to guarantee their quality to all participants is going to be prepared and signed
• At least 50 students and unemployed youth gained their first professional experience through a quality internship and volunteering programme.
• The Internship and volunteering Programme will be presented and launched in both countries.
• There will be organized 2 trainings for mentors (1 in MNE and 1 in KOS), each one lasting1 days (tot. 2 days of trainings.
• The youth Internship and volunteering Programme offering in total 50 tailor internships and volunteering opportunities in the cross-border region in Kosovo and Montenegro
• A minimum of 15 hours of mentorship for the 50 interns and volunteers will be offered.
• The Publication of 2 studies for advocacy purpose will be produced.
• The 2 Joint Job Fairs will be organized, one in Kosovo and one in Montenegro and
• The Peer e-campaign about current and future job opportunities for youth will be organized.
Lead partner Institution name: Caritas Kosovo
Country: Kosovo
Address: Str. Shen Nene Tereza No.3, Catholic Church, Ferizaj/Uroševac
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Caritas Montenegro
Country: Montenegro
Address: Popovici 98 A, Bar
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: QAKP Gjon Nikolle Kazazi
Country: Kosovo*
Address: Str Mbreteresha Teute, Gjakovë/Đakovica
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Municipality of Berane
Country: Montenegro
Address: IV crnogorske brigade 1, Berane
Legal status: Public