Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Serbia – North Macedonia
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Skills improvement and creation of employment opportunities in perspective sectors
Project start date 01.04.2021
Project end date 30.09.2022
Project total budget EUR 188.958,00
Project EU funding EUR 160.614,00
Description Overall Objective: contribute to increase of employability of the rural population (especially women and youth) through innovative ways of agricultural production in line with sustainable use of recourses.
Specific objective 1: Create predictions for improving and developing employability in rural areas in rural municipalities.
Specific objective 2: Establish support measures for improving the employability of the rural population
Specific objective 3: Strengthen capacities of final beneficiaries/local rural communities for new forms of employment opportunities and cooperation in agriculture.
Activity 1:Creating predictions for improvement and development of employability in rural areas of the involved municipalities
Activity 2:Establishment of support measures for improving the employability of the rural population
Activity 3: Capacity building of final beneficiaries in local rural communities for new form of employment opportunities and cooperation in agriculture
Activity 4:Promotion and Visibility
Expected results R1: Mapped economic potential of remote, passive settlements in 5 LSGs in the targeted cross border area
R2: Improved capacity of LGSs and local communities to formulate and actively implement support measures for the population in these areas
R3: Improved Local Development Policy Planning
R4: Improved knowledge and competencies of  the population, for market oriented economic activity based on the sustainable use of recourses including Improved knowledge of social entrepreneurship
Expected outputs The project aims to fill in the gap in the cross-border are of both countries regarding joint action and networking in the field of employment, labor mobility and social and cultural inclusion. The project will enable to contribute to increase the employability of the rural population (especially women and youth) by creating predictions for improving and developing employability in the rural areas and strengthening the capacities of final beneficiaries/ local rural communities. From the other side, the project will enable the target groups to experience the values of high quality support scheme
-Having a chance to build capacity for improved trainings such as: 1) Organic production 2) Benefits of cooperatives 3) Standards in agricultural production 4) Geographical origin 6) Market principals 7) Cross-border cooperation/joint market appearance 8) social entrepreneurship;
-Getting training thematic programmes in 5 municipalities, including mentoring for 25 direct users;
-Utilizing the opportunities and coordination offered by the Joint Cross-border Coordination Body;
-Expand the social and business network by organized study visits in both cross-border rural areas.
The proposed activities will enable socio-economic benefits for the involved target groups during and after the project by contributing to their development and business growth opportunities and capacities. At the same time, the project through its promotion strategy will enable promoting the employability in cross-border areas by highlighting good ideas and those behind, producing success stories, promoting best practices and support, and providing valuable sources of information for future policy development in the included rural cross-border areas.
On the quantitative side, the project will contribute to:
-Increasing the number of the new local policies in all the involved 5 municipalities, the projects will try to cover at least 5 new support measures and services identified by the needs of the local rural pollution;
-Increasing the number of people finding easier possibilities of job opportunities and easier getting work based on skills they acquired during project realization:
-Increasing the number of people participating in cross-border initiatives
-Increased number of potential rural entrepreneurs who will start the business as end users of the program.
Lead partner Institution name: NALED-Naltional Alliance for Local Economic Development
Country: Serbia
Address: Makedonska 30/VII, Belgrade
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Women Association Rose Lebane
Country: Serbia
Address: Laze Lazarevica bb, Lebane
Website: N/A
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Foundation for Management and Industrial Research
Country: North Macedonia
Address: 16ta Makedonska Brigada 13b, Skopje
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Association for activism, education, art and culture “AktivUM”
Country: North Macedonia
Address: B.Stevkovski Gojco 7, Kumanovo
Legal status: Private