Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Montenegro – Albania
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective The protection of environmental resources in lake and alpine areas is furthered
Project start date 01.03.2021
Project end date 30.9.2023
Project total budget EUR 531.458,61
Project EU funding EUR 451.686,68
Description Overall objective: To improve the protection of the cross-border area between Montenegro and Albania from the risks of disasters
Specific objective: To build capacities of people, institutions and services in the cross-border area between Montenegro and Albania for disaster risk reduction through education and awareness raising programmes, modernization of equipment and strengthening of cooperation.Main activities
1.1 Procurement of equipment for protection from floods and fires
1.2 Cross-border training for rescuers on Protection and rescue in case of floods
1.3 Cross-border training for rescuers on Protection and rescue in case of fires
1.4 Cross-border field exercises on Protection and rescue in case of floods and fires
1.5 Workshops on Flood and Fires Protection for municipal operational units
1.6 Cross-border trainings on Good Practice in Coordination of protection and rescue in case of floods and fires
2.1 Cross-border trainings on Forecasting and Early Warning System
2.2 Procurement of equipment for forecasting and early warning systems in MNE and ALB
3.1 Conference on Strengthening of Protection and Rescue Systems
3.2 Workshops on Strengthening of Protection and Rescue Systems
3.3 Identification of lessons learned and recommendations for strengthening protection and rescue systems in Montenegro and Albania
4.1 ORR info caravans in target municipalities
4.2 Workshops on protection from floods and fires and ORR for school students
4.3 Cross-border drawing competition for students
4.4 Evacuation exercises in schools
4.5 Organized visits of students to protection and rescue institutions and services and hydrometeorology services
4.6 Leaflets on flood risks, protection and rescue
4. 7 Leaflets on fire risks, protection and rescue
4.8 · Media campaign – press conferences, 1V and radio shows, newspaper articles and website texts
4.9 Creation and distribution of promotional items and posters
5.1 Cross-border meetings of project stakeholders
5.2 Signing of Memorandum of Understanding on project implementation
5.3 Closing project conference
Expected results R1 – Strengthened capacities of institutions and services from the target area for disaster risk reduction – ORR;
R2 – Improved capacities for forecasting and early warning systems in the target area and cross-border collaboration in this field;
R3 – Guidelines for improvement of the protection and rescue systems in MNE and ALB in line with good EU practice models provided;
R4 – Population in the cross-border area and target municipalities familiarized with ORR;
R5 – Improved cooperation between units and institutions dealing with ORR from Albania and Montenegro.
Expected outputs • 1 program for improved protection from disasters by reducing the vulnerability of Montenegro and Albania and improving
• cooperation in the area of DRR
• 240 people with increased competence related to emergency preparedness and risk management and adaptation action
• 10 emergency services from both sides of the border with increased capacities through joint initiatives
• 920700 ha covered by joint management measures
• 1100 of people directly taking part in awareness activities
• 30 press releases, TV items and/or radio programmes on emergency preparedness
• 2 New equipment for protection and rescue in case of floods and fires procured and operational
• 5 facilities equipped to fight against floods and wildfires
• 2 cross-border trainings for rescuers
• 60 rescuers who improved their knowledge and skills through cross-border trainings
• 12 workshops for rescuers
• 2 cross-border field exercises organized
• 2 cross-border trainings on Coordination of protection and rescue In case of floods and fires
• 2 upgraded disaster management systems to prevent and mitigate natural disasters and man­ made hazards at local
• and central level
• 1 sensitive addressed designed them
• 2 cross-border trainings on forecasting and EWS organized
• 2 sets of Equipment for forecasting and EWS procured and operational
• 2 workshops on strengthening of protection and rescue systems;
• 1 cross-border Conference strengthening protection and rescue systems;
• 1 Guidelines for strengthening protection and rescue systems provided
• 1 awareness raising campaigns to prevent and/or mitigate the consequences of natural and/or man­made disasters;
• 4 press conferences organised;
• 70 newspaper articles and website texts published;
• 50 workshops in schools;
• 1 school competitions;
• 10 visits of students to emergency services;
• 1000 students taking part in the activities in schools;
• 4000 publications printed and distributed
• 6 of DRR info caravans;
• 4402 promotional items and posters
• 2 evacuation exercises in schools
• 10 cross border meetings
• 16 joint activities
• 1 memorandum of understanding
• 1 cross-border conference organized
Lead partner Institution name: Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro – FORS Montenegro
Country: Montenegro
Address: Ivana Milutinovica 10, Nikšić 81400
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Prefecture of Shkodër
Country: Albania
Address: Rruga “28 Nentori” Shkodër 4001
Legal status: Public