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IPA II CBC programmes
Albania – Kosovo*
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
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Albania – Kosovo*
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
Kosovo* – North Macedonia
Montenegro – Albania
Montenegro – Kosovo*
North Macedonia – Albania
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IPA II CBC projects database
IPA II CBC projects database
Fostering youth development and employment through a cross-border digital entrepreneurship academy (Y.D.E.A.) in Lezha and Prizren
Extension of the Via Dinarica in the CBC Region Albania - Kosovo
SWEI - Skilled Workforce for Economic Integration
Open ICT Education for Youth Employability
ITAK - Improving Tourism Offer in Highlands of Albania and Kosovo
The “Feminine Side” of Quality
Green Lands
Local cuisine as tourism offer of cross-border region
Preserving cultural landscape of Albania and Montenegro
Young Montenegrins and Albanians in Raspberry Crops
Child Friendly Tourism in the Cross Border Region
Augmenting Cooperation – from Christian Antiquities Towards Enhanced Tourism
Disasters do not know borders
United Against Pollution
Accursed mountains – exquisite outdoor destination
Eco and Outdoor Tourism Actions of the Balkan Alps
Cross border joint initiatives for better waste management
Green jobs for better future of cross-border region of Montenegro and Kosovo
Cross-border Actions in the REproductive Health Sector
Self-employment and Social Entrepreneurship for Youth
People with disabilities: New Opportunities for Work
Life on BiH-MNE Border: Ancient Traces of Ageless Heritage and Tradition
Persons with disabilities - leaders in beekeeping
BIKE4TWF - Bicycle for Tourism without Frontiers
New life of Neolithic heritage in recognized natural areas of great importance – NeoLIFE
Cross border natural heritage Network – CBC Nature NET
Improving Solid Waste Management in Urban and Rural Areas of Bajina Bašta Višegrad and Han Pijesak municipalities
Social integration through parasport – Parainspired
Safeguarding Unique Biodiversity of Drina Valley Environment – SAVE
Suburban recycling” – Establishing system of waste management in suburban area of Uzice and Tuzla
Museum Stories
White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj
Creating Employment in Agriculture
CARES 2 – Cross-border Actions in the REproductive Health Sector 2
Tourism hubs for better tourism offer in less advantaged mountainous areas
Transhumance - new tourism offer of Kosovo and Montenegro
Culture heritage – Treasure of cross border region
Centers for innovative development of social entrepreneurship –contemporary perspective of social integration of young people
Connecting Pearls
Fit For the Needs –Raise opportunities for underdeveloped areas
Improvement and protection of human health and environment by reducing pollution risks through efficient waste management
Borderless photo hunting – a common nature-friendly sustainable tourism product in the cross-border region of Serbia and North Macedonia
Less Garbage Less Risk More Health
SEEDS of Inclusiveness – Social Enterprises for Economic Development and Social Inclusion
Promoting Sustainable Use of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Livelihood Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation
Disasters do not know borders 2
Skadar Lake without chemical pollUTION - SOLUTION
Montenegro and Albania towards Zero Waste
Pathways to Career Development (PCD): Preparing Albanian and Montenegrin Youth for Career Opportunities in the Tourism Sector
No Borders for Work!
Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro
New Reality of the Heritage Sites
Building Smart Forests
Skadar/Shkoder Lake Watershed - a Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
Culture heritage – Act SMART save water!
Rural Tourism for Mountain Destinations
BEAR in Mind: Bringing environmental actions for the biodiversity protection across the border
Y O U t h d r i v e – Program for raising awareness on proper waste management and empowering legislators for taking action
Improving Water Supply Management in Urban and Rural Areas of Kolasin and Rogatica municipalities
Action to Increase Energy and Water Efficiency of Water Supply Services
Katun Roads of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cross-border Environmental Initiative
Resilient Border
Creative Industries for Employment without Borders
Your Job
Joint Response
CBC Nature NET
Let’s Be Prepared
Establishing the system of sustainable bulky waste management on the territories of the cities of Uzice and Tuzla - Bulky Waste Less/BWL
Rehabilitation of illegal waste on the river Lim and raising awareness of its harmfulness
Projection observatory for the regional area of medical plants as lively cross-border infrastructure of sustainable tourism
Skilled women's workforce for better future
Reducing impact of local communities of the cross border region Serbia-Montenegro to ClimAte chaNges - WE CAN
Increasing employability opportunities for textile and tourism industry in the CBC area
Bringing in Sustainable Waste Management - BinS
Common Actions for Better Care
Thematic journey through Heritage Corridor from Serbia to Montenegro – CREATIVE TWINNING
The Hoo Project: Creation of Owl and Other Wildlife Experiences
IMPORTANT - IMProvement of Reproductive Health in Serbia and Montenegro
One-stop-shop service for social inclusion and youth employability
1st Telecare Social Protection Service for elderly people in Montenegro and Serbia
CULT Bike Route
Mysterious ways of faith from Lim and Zeta
Rural tourism a new perspective of youth mobility
C4EE - Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship
Strengthening international relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia with a common goal of improving the environment
Saraj and Lebane together for green tourism - GREEN TOUR
Flood Prevention – From Risk to Benefit
Land of Legends
Green Energy - Fostering social entrepreneurship by establishing pilot energy cooperatives in the cross-border region
Bridging the gender and age gap on the labour market through capacity building and promotion of new job opportunities in cross border region - CBC job gender and age equalizer
GREEN CROSS – Towards Local Green Economies with Smart Investments
Gjakova/Đakovica and Kukes Clean Water Project
Pathway towards an efficient use of local natural resources
Enhancement of Biodiversity in Drini River Basin through Integrated Watershed Management – BIODRINI
Eco - Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES)
Bridging Tourism through Cultural Heritage and Smart Solutions in Lezha and Gjakova/Đakovica
Zero Waste Municipalities
Upgrading of the waste management public service capacities in the cross-border region
Together in Education for Employability and Employment (3E)
Improving fire emergency management system in the cross border area of B&H and Serbia
Strengthening The Employment Perspective in Disability Sport Sector -STEPin
Improve employability of people from vulnerable groups through provision of new knowledge and skills
Improved Emergency Preparedness & Coordinated Response in Cross-Border Area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBC -IePCR)
Capacity of Protection and Rescue Institutions Strengthened
Enabling Highly Accelerated and Nourished Competitiveness and Employment
Healthy and safety gastronomic products as potential for new employment
Support to establishment and improvement of Self-emploYment SupporT mEchanisMs through cooperation between innovative local communities and new businesses in the cross border region – SYSTEM
Healthy Ageing In The Cross-Border Region - HEAL
Together for Cultural Tourism - Cross-border Cooperation for Improved Socio-Economic Development and Preservation of Traditional Craftsmanship
Via Dinarica: Green Trail Above Borders
Strengthening pedestrian corridor in the cross-border area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina E-CrossPass
NEwly established Start-up Enterprise SERvices - NESESER
One-stop-shop service for youth entrepreneurship and cross-border partnerships
Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioural disorder
Improving the competencies of informal caregivers and professionals in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Eco Tourism in the Cross-border Area between Serbia and BIH: Cross border BIRDWATCHING
Experience Roman Heritage on Drina and Sava – Roman Emperors Route
New Open-Air Sites for Better Quality of Tourism Products
Old Railways for New Cooperation and Experiences
Development of rural tourism as a basis for future sustainable development in the cross-border region of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Let's join the sustainable future through better wastewater management
CLean community for sustainability in Environment And Nature - CLEAN
‘Borders that connect’ – Initiative to enhance the employability of persons with mental disabilities (PwMD) in Serbia and Montenegro
BEST Waste Management Cooperation - Better Environmental Sustainability Through Waste Management Cooperation
Business enabling environment for youth employment - BEYOND
Joint actions for rural tourism development
gReen Eyes croSs bordEr rouTe (RESET)
Youth Start up
Contest for Ilindan - Historic Re-enactment Events and Outdoor Tourism
Regional Training Academy for boosting employability of vulnerable youth
For.REST: Forest Tourism in the Cross-border Area between Serbia and Montenegro
Via Ferrata CLimb to Unveil Beauty of Piva and Ibar (Via Ferrata CLUB)
CLean community for sustainability in Environment And Nature
Protection of Polimlje environment from waste
Borders that connect
BEST Waste Management Cooperation
Via Ferrata CLimb to Unveil Beauty of Piva and Ibar
Albania (AL)
Kosovo (KS)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Montenegro (ME)
North Macedonia (MK)
Serbia (RS)
Croatia (HR)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
Project partners
Non-governmental organisations (international/national NGOs)
Educational institutions
Public enterprises
Regional government units
Local associations/groups (CSOs
including local NGOs)
Chambers business associations
Public bodies/institutions
Local/regional development agencies
Extension of the Via Dinarica in the CBC Region Albania – Kosovo
Project budgets (EU funding)
Over €500 000
Under € 50,000
€ 50,000 to € 200,000
€ 200,000 to € 500,000
Thematic objectives
Protecting the environment and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation risk prevention and management
Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage
Investing in youth education and skills
Promoting employment, labour mobility, social and cultural inclusion across the border
Enhancing competitiveness, business and SME development, trade and investment
Employment and labour mobility
Social and cultural inclusion
Quality of tourism products and services Cultural and natural heritage
Skills improvement and creation of employment opportunities in perspective sectors
Mobilizing cultural and natural recourses for joint development of sustainable tourism products and destinations
Fostering joint risk management systems of natural and cultural sites as well as human settlements including disaster or emergency preparedness
Development of an inclusive society
Employability and social inclusion is fostered
The competitiveness of the tourism sector is enhanced by the economic valorisation of the cultural and natural heritage
Improve the wastewater and solid waste management and sustainable use of resources
Call serial number
Projects status
All Projects status
2014-2020 IPA CBC Albania and Kosovo*
2014-2020 IPA CBC Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro
2014-2020 IPA CBC between Kosovo* and North Macedonia
2014-2020 IPA CBC Montenegro - Albania
2014-2020 IPA CBC between North Macedonia and Albania
2014-2020 IPA CBC Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014-2020 IPA CBC Serbia - Montenegro
2014-2020 IPA CBC between Serbia and North Macedonia
2014 - 2020 IPA CBC Montenegro – Kosovo*
2014 - 2020 IPA CBC programme Montenegro – Albania
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