IPA Component V: Rural Development
Component V is open to candidate countries only, potential candidates can benefit from similar measures implemented through component I. Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for component V that emulates post-accession Rural Development programmes by financing rural development-type measures, similar in nature to these programmes, though smaller in scale.
Objectives of IPA Component V
Assistance under this component shall contribute to achieving the following objectives:
a) improving market efficiency and implementation of Community standards through:
· investments in agricultural holdings to restructure and to upgrade to Community standards;
· support for the setting-up of producer groups;
· investments in the processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products to restructure
those activities and to upgrade them to Community standards.
b) preparatory actions for implementation of the agrienvironmental measures and local rural development strategies through:
· actions to improve the environment and the countryside;
· preparation and implementation of local rural development
· strategies.
c) development of the rural economy through:
· improvement and development of rural infrastructure;
· diversification and development of rural economic activities;
· improvement of training.