IPA Component IV: Human Resources Development
Component IV is open to candidate countries only, potential candidates can benefit from similar measures implemented through component I.
Component IV is managed by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; it is designed to strengthen human capital and help combat exclusion (similar to the European Social Fund).
Objectives of IPA Component IV
The human resources development component shall contribute to strengthening economic and social cohesion as well as to the priorities of the European Employment Strategy in the field of employment, education and training and social inclusion. In particular, the scope of this component shall cover assistance to persons and focus on the following priorities:
- increase adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs, with a view to improving the anticipation and positive management of economic change, in particular by promoting:
· life long learning and increased investment in human resources by enterprises and workers;
· design and dissemination of innovative and more productive forms of work organisation; - enhance access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labour market of job seekers and inactive people, prevent unemployment, in particular long term and youth unemployment, encourage active aging and prolong working lives, increase participation in the labour market notably by promoting:
· creation, modernisation and strengthening of labour market institutions;
· implementation of active and preventive measures ensuring early identification of needs;
· improvement of access to employment and increase of sustainable participation and progress of women in employment;
– increase in migrants’ participation in employment, thereby strengthening their social integration
· facilitation of geographic and occupational mobility of workers and integration of cross-border labour markets; - reinforce social inclusion and integration of people at a disadvantage, with a view to their sustainable integration in employment, and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market, in particular by promoting:
– pathways to integration and re-entry into employment for disadvantaged people;
· acceptance of diversity in the workplace and non discrimination; - promote partnerships, pacts and initiatives through networking of relevant stakeholders, such as social partners and non-governmental organisations, at national, regional, local level, in order to mobilise for reforms in the field of employment and labour market inclusiveness;
- expand and enhance investment in human capital, in particular by promoting:
· the design, introduction and implementation of reforms in education and training systems, in order to develop employability and labour market relevance;
· increased participation in education and training throughout the life-cycle;
· the development of human potential in research and innovation;
· networking activities between higher education institutions, research and technological centres and enterprises; - strengthen institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services at national, regional and local level and, where relevant, the social partners and non-governmental organisations with a view to reforms and good governance in the employment, education and training, as well as social fields.