Manging Authority, Directorate for Managing Cooperation Programmes and Regional Development within Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia is pleased to inform you that the 1st Call for Proposals within Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro 2014-2020 is open. The Programme welcomes potential applicants to submit their applications via electronic Monitoring System (eMS) till 10 June 2016 at 15:00h. The Call is open for applications in four priority axes and all specific objectives.
The amount allocated to the 1st Call for Proposals is 25.016.349,00 EUR, out of which 21.262.897,00 EUR represents EU co-financing and 3.752.452,00 EUR represents national co-financing.
Click here to register in the eMS and to start filling in the Application Form. For more information visit the programme website.