CBIB Newsletter
Information sessions – 2nd Call for Proposals for the programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania! |
Dear Potential Applicants,
Information sessions for the 2nd CfP are planned for the following dates and locations: 04.05.2010, Elbasan (Albania), hotel Univers, 10:30h 10.05.2010, Korca (Albania), Municipality Council, 10:30h 12.05.2010, Ohrid (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), 10:30h 18.05.2010, Peshkopia (Albania), Municipality Council, 10:30h 20.05.2010, Gostivar (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), 10:30h 26.05.2010, Prilep (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), 10:30h |
For more information check www.mie.gov.al and www.mls.gov.mk |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB Newsletter
2nd Call for Proposals for the programme between
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme The second CfP will support grant applications proposals for joint actions that contribute to foster: – cross-border economic development with an emphasis on tourism related areas; – sustainable environmental development with an emphasis on protection, promotion and management of natural resources and ecosystems; – social cohesion and cultural exchange through people-to-people and institution-to-institution actions. The deadline for the submission of applications is July 19th, 2010. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites: |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB phase II officially started! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the second phase of the CBIB project has started on 24th November 2008. will remain the same.
We have already jointly accomplished a lot and came to the very important milestone in the process: We are sincerely looking forward to working together in the upcoming 18 months.
CBIB team |
CBIB central office will remain in Belgrade, but on new address:
Zmaj Jovina 7/1, Belgrade, Serbia + 381 11 2637 116 + 381 11 2637 294 + 381 11 2637 429
Fax: + 381 11 2637 914 |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Season Greetings |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB – Cross Border Institution Building
An EU-funded Regional project managed by the European Commission
DG Enlargement, Unit D3 Regional Programmes
Belgrade project office:
Dobracina 44
11 000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 32 82 954
+381 11 32 82 919
+381 11 32 82 971
Fax: +381 11 32 82 843
e-mail: office@cbib.eu
Reminder: CBIB central office in Belgrade has changed premises! |
CBIB central office Belgrade:
Dobracina 44/III, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 32 82 954 +381 11 32 82 919 +381 11 32 82 971
Fax: +381 11 32 82 843 |
For more information check www.cbib.eu
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB central office in Belgrade has changed premises! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We would like to inform you that CBIB central office in Belgrade has changed premises!
Our staff and e-mails remain the same of course, however we have a new address and new phone and fax numbers as can be seen below.
CBIB team
CBIB central office Belgrade:
Dobracina 44/III, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 32 82 954 +381 11 32 82 919 +381 11 32 82 971 Fax:
+381 11 32 82 843 |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Important Message |
CBIB has today launched a new information service with e-mail alerts. We have been informed that some alerts do not function properly.
The administrator is currently working on solving the problem and new e-mail alerts will be sent shortly.
We apologise for the inconvenience and are grateful for your understanding.
Kind regards,
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Special Issue of the CBIB focus has been published! |
Dear colleagues and friends, Special Issue of the CBIB focus related to the cross-border awareness seminar held in Visegrad, on May 20th 2008 is published!
The main purpose of this event was to create a platform for potential applicants from three countries to meet and get to know each other, exchange project ideas and search for potential partners. Since organizers consider that the event proved to be a great success, we have prepared a special issue of the CBIB newsletter dedicated to the seminar in Visegrad.
This issue will bring you:
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
What is new in CBIB? |
Regional Forum!Analysis presenting respondents interest in the second CBC Regional Forum
Regional forum for National Authorities, Joint Management Structures, EC Delegations, EAR and European Commission will take place in Skopje on Regional forum for Final beneficiaries/Potential applicants will take place in second half of 2008. We will inform you on dates and location in due time. |
IPA CBC Awareness seminars The next awareness seminar on IPA and cross-border programmes 2007 – 2013 will be organised in the Western Balkan region on: 18th April 2008, Hotel “Vidovic” Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Announcement:Partner Search Forum, Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina,Hotel „Tuzla“, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina02.07.2010. |
As a part of the preparations for the 2nd Call for Proposals, the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of the Joint Technical Secretariat, are organising a Parter Search Forum! Participants will be able to establish contacts with potential partners and to present their organizations and institutions and their ideas at several different thematic tables. The Agenda for the Forum can be downloaded here. |
Participants are encouraged to prepare a short description of their project ideas in advance.
The Project Idea Form can be downloaded here.
The Joint Technical Secretariat will post the collected ideas on the programme web page. |
You can confirm your participation in the Forum by telephone: +387 35 257 365 and +381 31 512 394, or by sending an e-mail to: office@srb-bih.org, no later than Monday, June 28, 2010. |
For more information check |
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The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Announcement:Partner Search Forum, Croatia – SerbiaHotel „Osijek“, Osijek, Croatia01.07.2010. |
As a part of the preparations for the 2nd Call for Proposals, Joint Technical Secretariat is organising the Partner search forum, in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia. |
Along with the announcement of the second Call for Proposals and presentations of good practice CBC projects, participants will have the opportunity to present their project ideas and share experiences at one of the three sectoral work-shops: 1. Economic development, 2. Environmental protection, 3. People-to-people. For more information about the programme please download the official Agenda. |
For more information check |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB Newsletter
2nd Call for Proposals for the programme between
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme The second CfP will support grant applications proposals for joint actions that contribute to: – economic development with an emphasis on tourism promotion; – environemnt protection and promotion; – enhancing social cohesion through people-to-people actions. The deadline for the submission of applications is September 28th 2010. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites: |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Announcement:Partner Search Forum, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro,Niksic, Hotel Onogost,10.06.2010. |
As the 2nd CfP for the programme between Bosnia and Herzegvoina and Montenegro is planned for September 2010, the JTS in Sarajevo and the Operating Structures of the 2 countries are organising the Partner Search Forum on June 10th, 2010 in Niksic! |
The Catalogue of submitted project ideas will be distributed at the event. The opportunity to present organizations and own project ideas via the Catalogue is available to all potential applicants who fill in Project Fiche until 01.06.2010. Filling in the Project Fiche is not mandatory nor is it condition for participation at the Forum. |
The focus of this event is placed at direct communication among the potential applicants within the four thematic tables (1. economy & rural development; 2. tourism; 3. environment; 4. education, culture and sport). All participants, within chosen themes, will have the opportunity to present their organizations/institutions, to present project ideas if any and to make contact with the potential cross-border partners. During the Forum, potential applicants are recommended to use their own promotional materials, such as leaflets, brochures etc. |
Please confirm your participation at the following e-mail address: mila.crnogoracbajic@cbc.bih-mne.org or at the phone/fax numbers: +387 33 703 465 i +382 68 840 808 at the latest until Monday, 07.06.2010! |
For more information check |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Registration for CBIB trainings for potential applicants started! |
With the aim to assist beneficiaries to prepare for the future Calls for Proposals in all Western Balkan countries, CBIB will organize trainings on
How to Design Quality Project Proposals
The registration is open from October 30th until November 3rd 2009, until noon.
The applications received after the closing date will not be considered for this set of trainings.
The trainings will take place during the second and third week of November 2009.
Main Topics
Project preparation (logical framework approach: problem and stakeholder analysis, strategy and intervention logic, assumptions and preconditions, indicators and sources of verification, budget) and application process Duration Two-day training sessions conducted in the local language |
Target Groups
Potential beneficiaries of cross-border programmes among Western Balkan countries in the framework of IPA from the regions of Elbasan, Koce, Diber and Kukes, who will be directly involved in the preparation of project proposals:
After the assessment of the received applications, the trainees will be grouped according to their previous experience, knowledge and place of residence. The list of locations and dates for each country will be published on our website under the Seminars and Trainings section, until Friday, November 6th, 2009. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB News |
Dear colleagues and friends, Previous year, 2009, ended on a positive note for cross-border cooperation under IPA in the Western Balkans: first round of Calls for Proposals for all 8 programmes was launched and closed and the evaluation of grant applications received is currently ongoing. 2009 has been an eventful year for CBIB as well: we supported the stakeholders in implementing the process for the first time throughout the Region, organised 4 regional coordination meetings for the institutional stakeholders and 15 trainings for almost 400 potential applicants.
In addition, in order to analyse the roles and responsibilities, as well as involvement of all stakeholders in teh IPA CBC process thus far, as well as the mechanisms behind the preparation and launching of the 1st CfPs, CBIB has undertaken an Assessment of the 1st Round of Calls for Proposals. Presentation of the report is available here |
3rd Regional CBC Forum, Tirana, January 28th, 2010 In order to present the results of the Assessment and discuss the main issues related to next steps in programme implementation – finalisation of evaluation of the grant applications received, contracting and the beginning of implementation of first cross-border project, CBIB started the new year, 2010, with the 3rd Regional CBC Forum that took place on January 27th/29th, 2010 in Tirana, Albania. For the full coverage of the Forum, click here.
CBIB Team, January 2010, Tirana |
After holding 15 successful trainings in Montenegro, Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the topic of how to prepare quality project proposals in 2009, CBIB continues with capacity building efforts for potential applicants. Registration for trainings to be held in Serbia and Montengro was open in January and February. As many as 600 potential applicants registered showing that interest in IPA CBC is high and demonstrating their wish to be prepared for the next round of CfPs expected later this year. Please check our section on Seminars and Trainings for updates on the exact dates, locations and venues of the planned trainings. |
The third issue of our regional newsletter was published recently! You can download the newsletter from our website in one of the 5 language versions. CONTENTS: 2 – 3 Interview with Mr. Pascal Herry, new CBIB II EC Programme Manager 4 -5 Focus on the Region: EU Enlargement Strategy and EC Progress Reports
6-7 Assessment of the 1st round of Calls for Proposals
8 CBIB Capacity Building Activities
9 CBIB Tirana Office
10 CBC News |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
CBIB News: trainings for potential applicants |
Dear colleagues and friends,
it has been a busy March for the CBIB team: 7 trainings on project preparation were held in Serbia and Montenegro for over 200 potential applicants!
In addition to two trainings already held in Uzice in February, five trainings took place in Serbia:
Belgrade, 10.-12.03. and 17.-19.03.2010 Novi Sad, 10.-12.03. and 23.-25.03.2010
Medvedja, 29.-31.03.2010
Podgorica, 10.-12.03.2010 and 23.-25.03.2010
Trainees have shown great dedication and interest in gaining knowledge on how to prepare a project and apply for IPA funds for cross-border cooperation. Sessions were filled with interaction among the trainers and participants, lively discussions, group work and learning. Appreciation and gratitude shown by the trainees in the evaluation forms filled in after trainings serve to make us work even harder in striving to achieve the best possible conditions for knowledge transfer and capacity building.
You can find pictures from all trainings in our Photo Gallery!
CBIB team continues our efforts in April – seven more trainings will be held in Serbia and Montenegro, while the first training for the potential applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovin will take place in Sarajevo. Check our website section on Seminars and Trainings for further information.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo, 19.-21.04.2010 Montenegro Podgorica, 13.-15.04.2010
Budva, 27.-29.04.2010
Bijelo Polje, 28.-30.04.2010
Serbia Novi Sad, 7.-9.04.2010 Golubac, 14.-16.04.2010
Kraljevo, 28.-30.04.2010
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Registration for CBIB trainings for potential applicants started! |
In the upcoming period, CBIB will organize trainings on How to Design Quality Project Proposals for the potential applicants of IPA CBC programmes in Serbia The registration is open from November 19th to 29th 2009 The applications received after the closing date will not be considered for this set of trainings, but only for the second one. |
Main Topics
Project preparation (logical framework approach: problem and stakeholder analysis, strategy and intervention logic, assumptions and preconditions, indicators and sources of verification, budget) and application process Duration Two-day or three-day training sessions (depending on previous knowledge and experience of the applicants) The trainings will be conducted in the local language. Training locations Trainings will take place in the programming area of 3 IPA cross-border programmes (the following districts: Zlatiborski, Raski, Sremski, Macvanski, Kolubarski, Juzno Backi, Zapadno Backi, Severno Backi and Moravicki) |
Target Groups
Potential beneficiaries of cross-border programmes among Western Balkan countries in the framework of IPA:
For more information please check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Reminder: CfP deadlines! |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
Call for Proposals for the programme between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina published! |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013 the first Call for Proposals has been launched on July 8th 2009!
The first CfP will support the following priority areas:
1) Improving the productivity and competitiveness of the area’s economic, rural and environmental resources;
2) Cross-border initiatives targeting the exchange of people and ideas to enhance the professional and civic society cooperation.
The deadline for the submission of applications is October 6th, 2009. |
Seven Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will take place on the following dates and locations:
July 15th, 2009, Valjevo (SRB), Town Hall, 11 o’clock
July 16th, 2009, Loznica (SRB), Town Hall, 11 o’clock
July 17th, 2009, Zlatibor (SRB), Cigota Institute, 11 o’clock
July 20th, 2009, Tuzla (BiH), Hotel ‘Tuzla’, 11 o’clock
July 21st, 2009, Vlasenica (BiH), Hotel ‘M’, 11 o’clock
July 22nd, 2009, Vogosca (BiH), Hotel ‘Sunce’, 11 o’clock
July 23rd, 2009, Rogatica (BiH), Hotel ‘Park’, 11 o’clock |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites:
Ministry of Finance, Serbia Directorate for European Integration, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the programme between |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013 the first Call for Proposals has been launched on July 17th 2009! The first CfP will support grant applications proposals with the aim of: The deadline for the submission of applications is October 16th, 2009. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites:
Seven Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will take place on the following dates and locations: July 27th, 2009, Slavonski Brod (CRO), Town Hall, Petra Krešimira IV, No.1, 11 o’clock July 28th, 2009, Karlovac (CRO), County Chamber of Commerce, Kralja Tomislava 19b, 11 o’clock July 30th, 2009, Zadar (CRO), Zadar County, Božidara Petranovica 8, 11 o’clock August 3rd, 2009, Dubrovnik (CRO), DUNEA, Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 11 o’clock August 4th, 2009, Mostar (BiH), Hotel ‘Ero’, Dr. Ante Starcevica, 11 o’clock August 6th, 2009, Brcko (BiH), Grand Hotel ‘Posavina’, Trg mladih 4, 11 o’clock August, 7th, 2009, Banja Luka (BiH), Grand Hotel, Suboticka 3, 11 o’clock |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Web Calendar now available! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that CBIB website is now the home of a web application that would make keeping track with a busy summer in the Western Balkans easier for everyone! Our Web Calendar contains information on all CfP published for the IPA CBC programmes among WB countries, information sessions/Partner Search Forums related to these CfP, as well as CfP related deadlines. In addition, the calendar will contain information on various events of relevance for the CBC in the Western Balkans, organized by CBIB as well as by other institutions/donors. |
By clicking on the event that is of interest for you, a pop-up window opens containing basic event details. |
The link in the pop up window more details takes you to a new page containing more info on the event you choose together with active links to web pages where you can find further information. |
A free, Google-powered e-mail/SMS reminder service is an additional advantage of our calendar!
An existing one or a new Google account is what you need to make this service operational and start receiving reminders in your e-mail or phone inbox on the events you choose in the time intervals you choose. In this manner, you can make sure not to miss an information session for the programme you are interested in or a deadline for the submission of applications for a Call for Proposals! Please check our Help Guide in case you need assistance in completing the registration for the reminder service. For the list of mobile providers that support the SMS reminder service, click here. Before registering for the SMS/e-mail reminder service, please read our Disclaimer. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the programme between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro published! |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013 the first Call for Proposals has been launched on July 9th 2009!
The first CfP will support the following priority areas: 1) Cross-border economic development initiatives with an emphasis on tourism and rural development; The deadline for the submission of applications is October 9th, 2009. |
Seven Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will take place on the following dates and locations:
July 21st, 2009, Herceg Novi (MNE), Igalo Institute, 11 o’clock
July 22nd, 2009, Pluzine (MNE), Cultural Centre, 11 o’clock
July 23rd, 2009, Bijelo Polje (MNE), Cultural Centre, 11 o’clock
July 27th, 2009, Foca (BiH), Municipal Hall, 11 o’clock
July 29th, 2009, Capljina (BiH), Astoria restaurant, 11 o’clock July 31st, 2009, Sarajevo (BiH), SERDA premises, 11 o’clock
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites: Directorate for European Integration, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Euroepan Integration, Montenegro |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Registration for CBIB trainings for potential applicants started! |
With the aim to assist beneficiaries to prepare for the future Calls for Proposals in all Western Balkan countries, CBIB will organize trainings on
How to Design Quality Project Proposals
The applications received after the closing date will not be considered for this set of trainings, but only for the second one.
Main Topics
Project preparation (logical framework approach: problem and stakeholder analysis, strategy and intervention logic, assumptions and preconditions, indicators and sources of verification, budget) and application process Duration Two-day or three-day training sessions (depending on previous knowledge and experience of the applicants) |
Target Groups
Potential beneficiaries of cross-border programmes among Western Balkan countries in the framework of IPA:
After the assessment of the received applications, the trainees will be grouped according to their previous experience, knowledge and place of residence. The list of locations and dates for each country will be published on our website under the Seminars and Trainings section. The registered persons will also be contacted directly within 7 days after the registration deadline. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the CBC programme Albania and Montenegro published! |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme The first CfP will support the following priority areas: The deadline for the submission of applications is September 29th, 2009. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites:
Ministry of European Integration, Albania Ministry of European Integration, Montenegro |
The date, time and place for the Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will be published on the internet, within 15 days of the launch of this CfP. This information will be published on the websites of the Albanian Operating Structure and the Montenegrin Operating Structure. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme published! |
In the framework of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme the first Call for Proposals has been launched on July 31st 2009! The first CfP will support the following priority areas: 1) Economic, social and institutional cooperation; 2) Natural and cultural resources and risk prevention; 3) Accessibility and networks. |
The deadline for submission of applications is October 29th 2009, by 06.00 p.m.
The complete application should be submitted by the Lead Applicant by registered mail or express courier service to: IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme |
The programme is funded under the European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2007/2009 and co-financed by the partner states in the programme/future beneficiaries of grant. The total EU funding available for this CfP is EUR 63,750,000.
The Guidelines and the Application pack can be downloaded from the official web site of the Programme. For further information on the Call contact the Joint Technical Secretariat at: info@adriaticoipa.com or the Directorate for European Integration of B&H at: jkesic@dei.gov.ba.
The Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina will organise information sessions in September 2009. The indicative dates are as follows:
The final dates and precise locations of these information sessions in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be published on the website of DEI (DEI naziv da bude linkovan na www.dei.gov.ba) by the end of August 2009. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
New issue of CBIB focus published! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the second issue of our regional CBC bulletin under CBIB II is now published! Seven Calls for Proposals under IPA CBC programmes among Western Balkan countries have been published during June and July, thus marking a crucial point for the process in the Region. For this reason, we decided to present the extensive, region-wide information campaigns that followed in the wake of launching the CfP in all countries of the Western Balkans. 47 events took place covering as many as 2500 potential applicants! CBIB focus brings you details on the kick-off events, information sessions and partner search forums organized with the aim of presenting essential details on the Calls, application packages and requirements for submitting project proposals. |
In this issue of CBIB focus, CBIB team also brings you a Q&A with our EC Programme Manager, Ms. Yvonne Kapella, under whose flexible yet firm guidance in the past 3 years CBIB managed to evolve, accomodate the requests of the beneficiaries in a fast changing environment such as the Western Balkans and successfully implement project activities. Ms. Kapella gives you her views on the IPA CBC results to date, CBIB role in the process, new EC facility for the Civil Society, and her recommendations for the important steps awaiting all WB IPA CBC stakeholders! |
2 – 3 4 -11 Focus on the Region: Working in the field to get the message on IPA CBC funding opportunities through to the Potential Applicants 12 CBIB News: CBIB Tools for Potential Applicants |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme Information Sessions |
The Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising information sessions on the first Call for Proposals under the IPA Adriatic programme: 2nd September in Mostar hotel Ero 7th September in Banja Luka hotel Vidovic 9th September in Zenica hotel Zenica 11th September in Sarajevo (location – to be defined) |
The Information Sessions will be focused on the following topics:
The total EU funding available for this Call for Proposals is EUR 63,750,000 and it aims at implementing the following programme priorities: 1. Economic, social and institutional cooperation; 2. Natural and cultural resources and risk prevention; 3. Accessibility and networks. The deadline for submission of applications is 29 October 2009, by 06.00 p.m. The Guidelines and the Application pack can be downloaded from the official web site of the Programme. To confirm the exact time and precise location of these information sessions in Bosnia and Herzegovina please check DEI’s website. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the programme between |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme The first CfP will support the following priority measures: 1) joint actions for environment, natural and cultural heritage protection, 2) joint tourist and cultural space, 3) small cross-border community development projects. The deadline for the submission of applications is November 18th, 2009. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites:
Four Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will take place on the following dates and locations: August 31st, 2009, Kotor (MNE), Bizanti Palace, Hall of Kotor Municipality, Kotor Old Town, 10 o’clock September 3rd, 2009, Bar (MNE), Small Hall of Bar Municipality, Bulevar revolucije 1, 10 o’clock September 10th, 2009, Dubrovnik (CRO), University of Dubrovnik, Cira Cerovica 4, 10 o’clock September 11th, 2009, Opuzen (CRO), Hotel Merlot, 10 o’clock |
If you do not wish to receive our e-mail alerts, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to: unsubscribe@cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. |
New issue of CBIB focus published! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the first issue of our CBC regional bulletin, under the 2nd phase of CBIB is now published! The Region is on the verge of entering the first Calls for Proposals under IPA CBC programmes among Western Balkan countries! For this reason, we decided to dedicate this first issue to CBIB focus brings you details on their composition and main activities implemented so far as well as those planned for after the CfPs are launched. You can also find all the contacts of the JTS and Antennae for all programmes! |
The rest of CBIB focus will provide you with the information on the most important events in the Region organized by both CBIB and other EC initiatives in the Balkans. We have presented the main objectives and tasks of the 2nd phase of CBIB on the last page of the newsletter, together with the new contacts for our 5 regional offices.
If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve our newsletter or what topics of interest for you to cover in the future issues, please e-mail us on: office@cbib-eu.org. CBIB team |
2 – 9 10 CBIB events: 11 News from the Region: 12 CBIB Phase II: |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the programme between |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme between Croatia and Serbia 2007-2013 the first Call for Proposals has been launched on July 17th 2009! Project proposals under first CfPwould have to target one of the following objectives: 1) to promote business cooperation, increase cross-border trade, develop labour market mobility, cross-border RDI and joint economic planning; The deadline for the submission of applications is October 16th, 2009. |
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites:
Five Information Sessions on this Call for Proposals will take place on the following dates and locations: July 23rd, Sremska Mitrovica, (SRB), City Hall (Large hall), Trg Svetog Dimitrija 13, 10:30 AM July, 24th, 2009, Sombor (SRB), City Hall, Trg cara Uroša 1, 10:30 AM July 28th, 2009, Subotica, (SRB), Open university (Amphitheatar), Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15, 10:30 AM July 28th, 2009, Osijek (CRO), Faculty of Economics, Gajev Trg 7, 9:30 AM July 29th, 2009, Vukovar (CRO), Palaca Srijem (Council hall), Županijska 9, 9:30 AM |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Call for Proposals for the CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro published today! |
The first CfP will support the following priority areas: 1) Improving the productivity and competitiveness of the area’s economic, rural, cultural and environmental resources; 2) Cross-border initiatives targeting the exchange of people and ideas to enhance the professional and civic society cooperation, The deadline for the submission of applications is September 23rd, 2009. |
Information sessions on this call for proposals will be held in Serbia and in Montenegro. The dates and location of these sessions will be announced within 15 days of the launch of this call for proposals on the Programme website. |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
1st Call for Proposals on WB internal borders published! |
In the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme The first CfP will support Economic, Environmental and Social Development sectors. The deadline for the submission of applications is August 3rd, 2009. |
The following information sessions/ partner search forums on this call for proposals will be organized:
The full application package and the Guidelines for Applicants can be downloaded on the following websites: Delegation of the European Commission to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Albania Ministry of Local Self-Government, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ministry of European Integrations, Republic of Albania
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Discussion Forum opened |
An on-line discussion forum is available on the CBIB website! The aim is to generate discussions not only on important and relevant CBC issues, but also on some general broader topics. All stakeholders in the Western Balkan countries are invited to use the forum to engage in dialogue without having to travel and meet face-to-face. |
The forum is organised into forums that cover both broader topics and specific themes. Forum – Broader Topics: Western Balkans Europe Intercultural Dialogue Miscellaneous Forum – Themes: CBC and transnational programmes Ideas and partnerships for CBC EU and other donors Civil Society Regional development and other sectors |
Join us and share your experience, exchange ideas and views, but also problems and solutions. Important notice: Make sure to check the Terms of use and respect them! |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Focus issue No. 3 is published! |
Dear readers,
In this third issue of the CBIB focus we have continued with presenting the Western Balkan countries and the IPA CBC programmes they will participate in. This issue will bring you: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania: IPA CBC will Enhance Existing Cooperation Efforts Ongoing CBC Initiatives but also Special Report on 2nd Regional CBC Forum |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Registration for trainings for potential applicants open! |
With the aim to assist beneficiaries to prepare for the upcoming Calls for Proposals planned for the second half of 2008 in all Western Balkan countries, in the framework of IPA CBC, CBIB will organize the first round of trainings on How to Prepare a Successful Project Proposal The registration is open until August 20th, 2008, at 12 o’clock.Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. |
Main Topics Project Preparation and Project Cycle Management Duration Two-day training sessions, conducted in local languages |
Target Groups Potential beneficiaries of cross-border programmes among Western Balkan countries in the framework of IPA:
For the list of regions eligible for IPA CBC, please, check BORDER REGIONS section on the CBIB website. |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Phase I ending! |
Dear colleagues and friends, In the forth issue of the CBIB focus, we continued with presenting the Western Balkan countries and the IPA CBC programmes they will participate in. This issue will bring you:
Interview: Ms. Gordana Lazarevic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Interview: Ms. Nada Bojanic, Head of Department for CBC, Directorate for European Integrations, Bosnia and Herzegovina IPA cross-border programmes EC Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina EU CORIN supporting Cross-Border Cooperation Regional Development Agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vojvodina’s Experience in CBC
Partnership between CBIB and the “Economic Region in the Sava Watershed” project
Cross Border Institution Building project Since this issue of the CBIB focus is the final one within the CBIB phase I, we used this opportunity to summaries the activities and joint achievements: Working Together Towards the Same Goal: Successful IPA CBC in the Western Balkans! Awareness Campaign: Presenting IPA CBC to the Western Balkans Capacity Building for Successful Programme Implementation and Management Capacity Building for Successful Project Preparation
Today, 22nd October is the last day of the CBIB I.
After this first phase of the project, we would like to thank all the project partners and IPA CBC stakeholders in all the countries of the Western Balkans for their hard work, support and commitment to achieving important new milestones for the cross-border cooperation process among the Western Balkan countries together!
We wish you all successful participation in the IPA CBC programmes.
Good luck!
CBIB team
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
JTS and PA trainings |
Dear colleagues and friends, Since the launching of the first Calls for Proposals for IPA cross-border programmes on the Western Balkan internal borders is approaching, CBIB has decided to focus, in the final stage of the project, on capacity building activities in order to ensure smooth and efficient implementation. Bearing in mind two important elements for the successful programme implementation, capacities of the joint structures for efficient management and absorption capacities of the potential programme beneficiarie, two training modules were implemented during September and October 2008: |
In order to ensure sufficient number of quality project proposals, CBIB has organised 17 PA trainings in Western Balkan countries during September and October 2008 (Albania – 4, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 8, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – 4, Montenegro – 1) |
Since the selection and contracting of the JTS and antennae staff for the IPA CBC programmes was over, Kotor (for representatives from Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Skopje (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania) Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Phase I ending! |
Dear colleagues and friends, In the forth issue of the CBIB focus, we continued with presenting the Western Balkan countries and the IPA CBC programmes they will participate in. This issue will bring you:
Interview: Ms. Gordana Lazarevic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia Interview: Ms. Nada Bojanic, Head of Department for CBC, Directorate for European Integrations, Bosnia and Herzegovina IPA cross-border programmes EC Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina EU CORIN supporting Cross-Border Cooperation Regional Development Agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vojvodina’s Experience in CBC
Partnership between CBIB and the “Economic Region in the Sava Watershed” project
Cross Border Institution Building project Since this issue of the CBIB focus is the final one within the CBIB phase I, we used this opportunity to summaries the activities and joint achievements: Working Together Towards the Same Goal: Successful IPA CBC in the Western Balkans! Awareness Campaign: Presenting IPA CBC to the Western Balkans Capacity Building for Successful Programme Implementation and Management Capacity Building for Successful Project Preparation
Today, 22nd October is the last day of the CBIB I.
After this first phase of the project, we would like to thank all the project partners and IPA CBC stakeholders in all the countries of the Western Balkans for their hard work, support and commitment to achieving important new milestones for the cross-border cooperation process among the Western Balkan countries together!
We wish you all successful participation in the IPA CBC programmes.
Good luck!
CBIB team
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Regional Forum |
As most of you know, during last months CBIB team developed a questionnaire as a tool to assess needs and motivation of the potential IPA CBC applicants to participate in the We are using this opportunity to thank all who answered promptly and expressed interest to participate in such an important event! More then 150 answers were received from all WB Countries. The analysis of the received answers provides the CBIB team with a detailed content for the topics to be covered and other preferences expressed by respondents. The response rate, level of motivation and enthusiasm expressed by respondents can only encourage CBIB team in its intentions to organise such an important regional event What are the main findings?Forum is by all respondents seen as the place where participants will:
Priority topics (by % of responses received; list is not extensive):
Possible concerns (travel, visa, dates):
Where you can get information on IPA CBC in the mean time?CBIB awareness seminars and training for potential applicants will be organised in the next period in all WB Countries. If you are interested we would like to remind you to:
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
What is new in CBIB? |
The first issue of the CBIB newsletter published!
This issue will bring you: Cross-border cooperation a tool for regional integration
If you want to receive the free electronic version, please enter your e-mail address into the mailing list box on our web site.
During the month of April, the CBIB will organize the awareness seminar in Niksic, Montenegro.
02.04.2008, Niksic All information regarding other seminars and trainings to be organized by CBIB during April and May (dates, locations, programmes) will be timely posted on |
The new CBIB website is launched.Learn more about: IPA Soon available on the CBIB website:Partner search database |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB Focus issue No. 2 is published! |
Dear readers, In this second issue of the CBIB focus that is before you, we have started with presenting the Western Balkan countries and the IPA CBC programmes they will participate in. This issue will bring you: Montenegro and Croatia: Challenges for Successful Cooperation with Western Balkan Neighbours NGO Sector and CBC Integrating CBC Initiatives into Local Development Plans CBC Programmes that Montenegro and Croatia will participate in and CBC News Events Calendar |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
CBIB phase II officially started! |
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the second phase of the CBIB project has started on 24th November 2008. will remain the same.
We have already jointly accomplished a lot and came to the very important milestone in the process: We are sincerely looking forward to working together in the upcoming 18 months.
CBIB team |
CBIB central office will remain in Belgrade, but on new address:
Zmaj Jovina 7/1, Belgrade, Serbia + 381 11 2637 116 + 381 11 2637 294 + 381 11 2637 429
Fax: + 381 11 2637 914 |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
Websites in local languages finally available! |
Websites in local languages were officially launched one week ago! You can easily access them by logging on the www.cbib-eu.org and selecting the desired language in the language bar. Or use these shortcuts: Albanian http://www.cbib-eu.org/al/welcome/index.html Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin http://www.cbib-eu.org/ba/welcome/index.html Macedonian http://www.cbib-eu.org/mk/welcome/index.html |
Partner application and partner search data base are available on the CBIB website. You may search the already existing data base and look for the potential partners or send your application and invite others to join you in developing successful project proposals with common benefit for your bordering region. Since the Western Balkan countries are using either similar or completely different languages, we would kindly ask you to enter your application in English language only. Partner search data base on the CBIB website is just a tool to facilitate the difficult task of finding a partner, and is only the first step in establishing contacts with possible partners. With that regard, CBIB is not responsible for the veracity of data entered. The responsibility remains solely with the person/institution/organization entering the data. |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org |
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |
IPA CBC Cross-border Awareness Seminar in Visegrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina! |
Dear colleagues and friends, CBIB Team hereby wishes to thank those who participated in the cross-border seminar on IPA Cross-border programmes 2007 – 2013 held in Visegrad, on May 20th 2008. Your participation and contribution to the seminar was of great importance and we hope that this seminar has succeeded in clarifying at least some of the relevant issues regarding the cross-border programmes among Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia in the framework of IPA CBC. The electronic versions of the documents that were distributed during this seminar, as well as list of participants and photos are available on our website
Special issue of the CBIB focus on this seminar will be available during next week! |
For more information check www.cbib-eu.org
The CBIB project is funded by the European Union. Copyright © 2008, CBIB | European Commission |