Cross-Border Programmes
The programming document under IPA CBC is called a cross-border programme and it is a basic multi-annual (2007-2013) document that governs the implementation of cross-border ooperation under IPA.
Each cross-border programme has it own Strategic Framework with relevant documents (European partnership, Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF), Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) and other relevant national and regional strategic documents), analyses to be conducted and stakeholders to be consulted in the process on different levels.
Content of the cross-border programmes
It is recommended that each cross-border programme has four sections:
I Summary of the programming process
Eligible areas + Adjacent (if any)
Analysis of situation and SWOT
II Cooperation Strategy
Priorities and Measures
III Financial plan
IV Implementing provisions
Who prepares the cross-border programmes?
The cross-border programme is jointly prepared by the Drafting Teams of the respective countries. Final programme proposal needs to be approved by the national authorities of the participating countries and jointly submitted to the EC for evaluation and adoption.
Programming process on the Western Balkan internal borders was supported by the CBIB team in 2007. Eight ross-border programmes among WB countries were preared, submitted to EC on May 31st, 2007 and approved in December 2007.
Why do we need a cross-border programme?
A cross-border programme defines the framework for cooperation. It defines the priorities of the border regions and necessary measures to address the existing needs. It also establishes eligibility rules for the selection of operations which prevent a duplication of efforts among different programmes, under IPA or other Community instruments or initiatives.
Joint operations, jointly selected by the participating countries through a single call for proposals covering the whole eligible area will be financed under the umbrella of a cross-border programme. Cross-border development projects that apply for funding have to be directly linked to the priorities defined by the relevant cross-border programme.
For more information on programme implementation, click here.