Seven projects in the amount of 2.6 million euros have been contracted within the Second Call for Proposals for the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020. Namely, a large number of partner organisations/institutions applied for project financing and submitted a total of 53 project proposals for two thematic priorities. Moreover, a total of 92% of the available funds were contracted within the call.
In total, seven cross-border projects were approved under the Second Call, four of which are under Thematic Priority 2: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management; and three projects under Thematic Priority 3: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border. A total of 24 partner organizations/institutions will participate in the implementation of projects on both sides of the border.
You can download the contract award notice here.
Source: IPA II CBC programme Montenegro – Albania website